I'm making soy sauce in the world of famous detectives

Chapter 342 The plan was completed, the idea of ​​​​renovating the bar

Chapter 342 The plan was completed, the idea of ​​​​renovating the bar

Guangyou was a little confused, this name was really unfamiliar to him, this was the first time he heard it.

"You do not know?"

Kaito raised his head and laughed, "I thought you knew everything."

"I'm not an encyclopedia."

Guangyou retorted back, if he had a Baidu brain, he would still know, but he is just an ordinary pure child.

"Tanzanite, also known as Tanzanite, is a kind of sapphire recognized worldwide."

Kaito put down his chopsticks and explained to Guangyou, "I found it by accident in Tanzania, and gradually became famous under the promotion of a certain luxury brand. Because the output is scarce and it is not easy to mine, tanzanite over five carats , the price has remained high.”

Guangyou nodded half-understood, he only understood one thing, gemstones are rare in the first place, and the tanzanite in the hands of the robber group is [-] grams, which is very valuable.

"Anyway, it's expensive."

Guangyou made a simple summary.

Kuai Dou froze for a moment, then nodded helplessly: "You are right if you understand it that way, it is indeed very expensive."

Guangyou took two mouthfuls of rice, and asked vaguely: "So, when should we act?"

Kaito has almost eaten, and his stomach is actually not that hungry after eating toast just now.

"I found out that most of the bandit group will appear on Ghost Turtle Island in three days' time."

Kaito put on a serious face and said in a serious tone, "They may have weapons in their hands, so be careful in this operation."

Hearing Kaito's concerned words, Guangyou was a little moved in his heart, but he just waved his hand on the surface, and said impatiently: "Don't worry, even if something happens to you, nothing will happen to me."

"Cut, I don't know good people."

Kaito curled his lips, looked at the almost eaten food on the table, got up and said, "I'll go to the bathroom first."

When he came out of the bathroom, Guangyou was already waiting for him at the door of the restaurant.

The two men left the restaurant and wandered aimlessly in the street.

"Okay, I'll go first."

The two big men really had nothing to go shopping, after admiring the young and temperamental ladies on the street for a while, Guangyou bid farewell to Kaito directly.

With plenty of time, Kosuke went directly to Koiichiro Numabuchi after returning to Mihua Town.

His appearance was too low, so Guangyou arranged him in an empty room behind the bar, and bought a bed and a desk.

The rest was not prepared, Guangyou chose to give him money directly and let him decorate his den by himself.

This move moved Numabuchi Kiichiro greatly, and his freedom was not restricted, but he had to wear a mask, hat, and sweater when going out.

It's still because of his appearance. It's not that he can scare the children to death if he goes out, but that this face has already been wanted. If he doesn't do this, he might be arrested as soon as he goes out.

Of course, he understands that he needs to minimize the number of times he goes out, or even not go out at all.

These are all his own understandings. Chengshi and Guangyou didn't directly say that you must reduce the number of times you go out, but he feels that it is quite rare to be able to live a stable life outside.

He didn't dare to ask for anything extravagantly, he can live a day is a day.


When Kiichiro Numabuchi saw Kosuke who pushed the door and entered, a smile appeared on his face, but this smile was enough to scare a child to tears.

"Don't call me that, we're just employed."

Guangyou waved his hand, sat on a chair beside him, and asked, "How do you feel, are you still used to it?"

"Fortunately, to be honest, I haven't eaten such a delicious meal for a long time."

Numabuchi Kiichiro nodded with a smile, and there was a rare healthy rosy glow on his previously disheveled face.

This is from his heart, especially after joining the organization, he can eat enough to eat, but he would rather be hungry than be in that ghost organization.

Moreover, the taste is only edible, and only those high-level people with a code name can eat those delicious meals.

"What made you change your mind." Guangyou asked curiously, "Your attitude was quite firm yesterday."

"Because I hate that organization, I really want revenge, I want to fight, and you are not bad to me, I feel good to be able to live like this."

Kosuke smiled happily at Koichiro Numabuchi's answer without any hesitation.

Guangyou looked around the room, his eyes stayed on the pillow for a while, and then he smiled: "I won't disturb your rest, I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, Guangyou got up and walked out.

There is still a trace on the white pillow that has not yet dried out, and it is self-evident what it is.

As long as Guangyou knows that he sincerely wants revenge, he can't control other things now.

Chatted casually with Naruto, and she couldn't let her see that he was just here to see Kiichiro Numabuchi.

Chatted a lot of miscellaneous things, such as some cold jokes and other diversions.

There are other staff in the bar, Chengshi has no need to do anything, in fact, she just needs to sit in the office and count the money.

However, she was still dressed like an ordinary waiter and sat at the bar to do things.

Most of the waiters in the bar are young and beautiful girls. After all, the part-time salaries in the bar are high, and it is not that kind of messy bar.

It is said that men and women are equal, but beautiful girls are really privileged, and their arrival also brings a wave of traffic.

Girls with good looks are naturally chased by people, and those boys who are chased will come to spend, so as to see the girls they like.

Of course, Guangyou was afraid that the yin would flourish and the yang would decline, so he asked one or two boys to do some tiring physical work.

Speaking of a bar, besides selling many kinds of alcohol, Guangyou feels like a coffee shop no matter how you look at it.

Guangyou looked at Yingying Yanyan in the bar, and suddenly had an idea in his mind, and directly proposed to Chengshi: "Should we become the first servant bar?"

"What do you mean?"

Cheng Shi didn't react for a while.

After looking around, Guangyou leaned close to Chengshi's ear and said, "That is, we will make all the waitresses in the store wear X servant clothes, and then..."

After Chengshi listened to it, he first looked at Guangyou with contempt, and then he had to admire Guangyou's idea is indeed feasible.

Subdue the temptation of X, and it will definitely attract a large number of nerds to come and spend.

It’s just that Chengshi still needs to worry about the feasibility. After all, maybe not so many people are willing.

Cheng Shi nodded readily, and agreed: "Okay, I'll go back and talk to them."

"Remember, it's still the most useful thing to pay them some more wages later on. But if you don't want to, don't force it. Just arrange another job. Of course, the labor level of the job should not vary too much. If they don't make mistakes, don't fire them randomly. other people."

Before leaving, Guangyou specially reminded him.

After getting a positive response from Chengshi, Guangyou left the bar.

It was getting dark, and it was time for Guangyou to return home.

Back at the office, Xiao Lan was cooking in the kitchen, Uncle Mao Li was watching the horse race, and Conan was reading a book on the sofa.

"This feeling is really good"

(End of this chapter)

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