love my fool bride

Chapter 1 Missing

Chapter 1 Missing
Chapter 1 Missing
In the morning of early spring, thick fog shrouded the earth, making the originally desolate and remote Yangmingshan even more lifeless and lifeless.

As time goes by, the thick fog gradually dissipates, and a cute cabin can appear on the mountain.There are several big trees beside the wooden house, and a double rocking chair is placed under one of them, from which it seems that the owner can see the leisure life of the owner.

The wooden house has only two floors, and the interior furnishings are unavoidably rudimentary, but it adds a touch of life to this quiet and desolate morning.

On the balcony on the second floor, a pregnant woman is sitting on a rocking chair.As the rocking chair rocked back and forth, there was a sound of "creaking" friction of wooden boards.

The pregnant woman patted her swollen abdomen with a look of love and compassion on her face.

It's been more than four months. How is he?
Suddenly, a self-deprecating smile jumped onto her face.

What is she still thinking about, maybe people have forgotten her long ago, after all, he and she are just...
one night stand.

And it happened without his knowledge.

There are only memories between him and her.

That's right, there are only memories. After all, in his eyes, she is just a savage, self-righteous young lady, and a person who has bullied his beloved woman since she appeared.

That's fine, maybe he will remember her because he hates her, which is better than him forgetting her.

"Go in, don't think about yourself, you should also think about the child in your belly!" Sighing helplessly, a woman walked behind her at some point.

After a while, the pregnant woman got up, walked into the room with the support of the woman, closed the door, and closed the connection with the outside world, leaving only the memories of him and her. She was once again immersed in the memories of joy and pain, unable to extricate herself.

For the first time, Chen Meixuan felt shy when she looked at the door that shut her out.

Should she go in?Into this home she had left for nearly a year?
Some people say that home is a person's safe haven, but she leaves this safe haven when she needs to avoid harm the most.

No reason, just don't want to meet him, don't want to be emotional.Because every time she sees the loving scene between her brother and sister-in-law, she always feels her heart constrict and hurt like a needle prick.She had never felt this kind of feeling before, and the pain was worse than when she was sick before.

It came so violently that people were caught off guard, and there was no way to calm her down forever, not even time, the commonly used medicine for wounds.

Otherwise, why now whenever she thinks of that kind of picture, her heart will ache, just because she knows that kind of picture will never appear in his world, and she can't even wish for it!
The breeze blows and the branches sway.

Although it is summer now, spring has long passed.But for some reason, Taiwan this year has been drizzled instead of the normal storms.Gives a sad feeling.

It was getting dark and it was going to rain.Come back tomorrow!
She evaded reality and thought that it was still too late to find a taxi, so as not to become drenched.

"Wow!" When she turned around, the originally locked door opened. "Miss, wait a minute!" A woman in her 50s and [-]s ran up to her and blocked her way.

"You, You Ma." Chen Meixuan was too difficult to speak.

"Miss, I saw you upstairs, why didn't you come in? The young master has been looking for you for a long time, and even the young master Ji has been dispatched! Go in, the young mistress is waiting for you at home!" After finishing speaking, she took her hand and was about to go go inside. "Hey, who is this child? Let me give you a hug!" After finishing speaking, he made a gesture to take the child away.

"No, no need. Let's go!" After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked in first, leaving behind You Ma who was still standing there.

After a while, You Ma regained consciousness. "Why is Miss so nervous? It seems like I want to snatch her child." She felt wrong again, "Bah, bah, bah! Why snatch her child, Miss is not married yet!" After saying that, she followed and walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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