love my fool bride

Chapter 10 Chen Zhixuan's Parents

Chapter 10 Chen Zhixuan's Parents
Chapter 13 Chen Zhixuan's Parents
"Brother, how is sister-in-law?" Chen Meixuan, who had just arrived at the hospital, squatted beside Chen Zhixuan, who was sitting outside the emergency room with her head in her arms.

"elder brother!"

Looking at the motionless Chen Zhixuan, Chen Meixuan couldn't help screaming a few more times.

Chen Zhixuan bit his head and shook his head, but still ignored her.


Chen Meixuan drooped her shoulders in discouragement, sighed and sat down on the chair on the other side of the net.

She shouldn't have come back, but...
What to do now?Seeing such a brother, she blamed herself even more. When had she seen such a brother?From childhood to adulthood, my brother has always been his patron saint. No matter what happens, my brother will protect her and give her whatever she wants, but what about her?
When I was young, I didn't know how to understand the brother who lost his parents, and he kept getting into trouble when he grew up. Even his marriage, because she was afraid of losing his brother's love, she kept obstructing him at the beginning, but now even the silly.
Really nothing will happen, Chen Meixuan prayed, if God wants to blame you, blame me alone.
After what seemed like a century, the door of the emergency room finally opened. Chen Zhixuan rushed forward eagerly, grabbed the doctor's robe with one hand, and quickly asked, "How is she? How is Jing'er? Is she okay?" ?”

"Very well, she's fine, don't worry!" Zhang Zisheng held back his laugh, and pulled down his hands that made him suffocate, not only was she fine, she was extremely well now!
"Then can I go and see her now?"

"Of course you can, but just don't make too much noise."

"En." After finishing speaking, Chen Zhixuan followed the hospital bed that was just rolled out.Leave Chen Meixuan aside.

Smiling helplessly, Zhang Zisheng knelt down to pick up the glove that fell off when he was pulling it just now, but when he got up he saw
She is?

Squinting his eyes, he kept searching in his mind, this woman.
"You" he wanted to ask.

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, the other party turned around and ran away as if seeing a ghost, leaving behind Zhang Zisheng with a dazed face.

A burst of fragrance invaded the nostrils.

That is?

He stared wide-eyed, staring at the receding figure in disbelief, dropped the gloves he had just picked up and ran out.

"Xuan, don't drink, okay?" Li Yajing frowned, looking at the yellow liquid in the thermos.

"No, your body is just right, you need to rest more, and you need to take a good mend, be good, be obedient, drink it." Patting her head dotingly, Chen Zhixuan poured a bowl of soup from the thermos, Picking it up and holding it up to her, he said.

"But, the soup is so fatty and oily." She looked at the yellow oily substance in the bowl with disgust.

"That's because the soup is nutritious. Your mother got up early this morning to make soup. You don't want to disappoint her, do you? You want me to feed you." He looked at him with a smirk.

"No!" Li Yajing blushed and objected directly.

"Why not?" Seeing her blushing, he couldn't help teasing her again.

"You still say?!" Li Yajing hammered his thigh with one hand.

Really, he did it on purpose!In the morning, she deliberately made a fuss and didn't eat. Who knew that this hateful man didn't give her a chance to say a word, and just fed her mouth to mouth a few times to finish the bowl of porridge in the morning. Thinking of the ambiguous faces of the two nurses, she I was so ashamed that I couldn't bear it.

Pursing her mouth, she glared at him again, she took the bowl resignedly, and gulped down a few mouthfuls.

"Well, it's so boring!"

"En, you're obedient now." Taking the empty bowl and putting it on the table, Chen Zhixuan kissed her on the face.

Hmph, really, if she had known that pretending to be sick was so uncomfortable, she would not have pretended, how could she be forced to drink those big tonic soups like now, woo, Li Yajing really regrets it now.

Malingering? !
Haha, that's right, she's just pretending to be sick.

Maybe doing this is a little sorry for Chen Zhixuan, but there is no way. Seeing him angry, she is really afraid that the two of them will quarrel. These two people are the people she cares about the most. One is her husband, and the other is her. My sister-in-law, putting aside these relationships for the time being, no matter what the result is, she doesn't want anyone on their side to be hurt, so she has no choice but to pretend to be sick.


"Xuan, where's Meixuan?" She asked cautiously.



"Xuan, Meixuan, actually, you, me, I want to say something."

"Okay, it's okay. I know that Meixuan has grown up and has her own thoughts. This is normal, and it's very common to have children out of wedlock now. I'm just worried."

"Xuan, what are you worried about? Can't you tell me?"

"Do you know how your parents died?"

"Isn't it an air crash?"

"It was an air crash, that's right. In fact, Meixuan was diagnosed with heart abnormalities when she was born. Her parents searched for famous doctors everywhere, hoping to let her undergo an operation. They finally found a foreign expert. My parents were delighted to find out about the situation. who knows"


(End of this chapter)

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