love my fool bride

Chapter 13 He was delivered by me

Chapter 13 He was delivered by me
Chapter 16 He was delivered by me
Suddenly, Zhang Zisheng's gaze was attracted by a red mark, he gently picked up the child and turned around suspiciously, "This is..." He looked at the red mark on his waist.

"It's a birthmark." Chen Meixuan said, "He's had it since he was born." He explained.

"Which hospital was he born in?"

"Xuan Cheng."

After a moment of silence, she replied.

"He was my midwife!" He said excitedly, while she was bewildered and puzzled.

"The baby was born on March 3th, right?" he asked.

"You, how do you know?!"

"Because I delivered the baby!" Zhang Zisheng said affirmatively.

what? !

This, how is this possible? !
What a coincidence, right? !
Chen Meixuan clicked her tongue a little, staring blankly at the man in front of her.

But Zhang Zisheng was thoughtful and stopped talking.

Silence spread, until the little guy Chen Yisheng kicked his calf in protest, and the two never recovered.

"The water is cold," she said, and taking the baby from him, wrapped in a towel, she walked out of the bathroom.

"Brother, what were you doing upstairs just now?"

On the way home, Zhang Leshan couldn't help but asked Zhang Zisheng who had been silent since returning from the Chen family.

The other party didn't say a word, and didn't even look at her.

"Brother!" Zhang Leshan couldn't help shouting.

She really couldn't bear it anymore, what happened to these people?
Chen Zhixuan was so proud that he often didn't say a word, which was nothing.However, Xiaojing kept silent about Meixuan's matter, and let her talk whatever she wanted, but she just faltered and explained that Meixuan was still resting, so don't disturb her, that's fine, even his brother was weird, It is a very happy thing to go to Chen's house together obviously, why does he have the face of being beaten by others, he acts like a wooden man without saying a word, and when he arrives at Chen's house, he goes upstairs and ignores her sister, even if he and Xiao Jing and the others didn't say hello, and what's more, after going downstairs, they just said "I want to talk to you" and walked into the study with Chen Zhixuan, completely leaving her beauty=sister aside!

Really are.
Zhang Leshan was furious.

"Le Shan." He opened his mouth, but did not continue.

"What are you doing?"

Zhang Leshan, who wanted to ignore him in anger, couldn't help asking after waiting for a long time.

"I might be getting married."


I couldn't believe it at all, Zhang Leshan was a little frightened, but when she came to her senses, Zhang Zisheng kept silent about this matter, which made her very frustrated.


"Xuan, Zisheng, what did he say?"

After sending Zhang Zisheng and Zhang Leshan away, Li Yajing walked to the sofa and sat down beside Chen Zhixuan obediently.

"He will be responsible."

His big palms wrapped around her waist, and he lowered his head on her shoulders a little tiredly.

Responsible? "Will Zisheng marry Meixuan?"

"Well," he thought, yes.

"Then, what about Meixuan, will she agree?"

Hearing this, he frowned and didn't speak.

"Xuan, marriage is a matter between two people. When we got married, we didn't care about Meixuan's feelings, so she..."

"Why do you say that?" He looked at the agitated little wife suspiciously, and suddenly found that her eyes were red and there were obvious signs of crying, "What's wrong?"

"Xuan, I went to see Meixuan just now." She was talking about the time when Chen Zhixuan was still in the study after Zhang Zisheng and Zhang Meixuan left.

"What did Meixuan tell you?"

"She" couldn't help but paused, she swallowed, and told what happened just now.

"Meixuan? Can I come in?"

"En." Holding Chen Yisheng who had just fallen asleep, Chen Meixuan opened the door, and the two sat down on the sofa next to each other.

"You" just started, Li Yajing changed her words again, "I, I want to ask."


"Meixuan, child, is it Zisheng's?" Li Yajing finally opened her mouth since she knew she couldn't avoid it.

Maybe she was frightened by her directness, after a while, Chen Meixuan nodded quietly, "En."

"Then, yes, but how did you do it?" Really confused, Li Yajing took her hand, "Meixuan, can you tell me what's going on, how did you and Zisheng know each other, and, How did you conceive his child?"


Chen Meixuan lowered her head and said nothing, her reddish eyes made even Li Yajing feel distressed.

"Meixuan, tell me, don't hold it in your heart alone, let's solve something together, didn't Zisheng come to see you today, maybe you have a chance." Li Yajing couldn't bear to see her like this Speaking a little excitedly.

Yes, today, she came to see her, and their child, heh, she originally thought that the child would never see his father in this life, but she didn't expect that, like other children, he would be able to get his father's love at birth. Hug, even though his father didn't know it was his child at the time.

(End of this chapter)

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