love my fool bride

Chapter 22 Let's start over

Chapter 22 Let's start over

Chapter 27 Let's start again

After the passion, Zhang Zisheng held her in his arms and leaned against the head of the bed.Chen Meixuan grabbed the quilt with one hand and covered her chest, while secretly looking at the man beside her.

Suddenly, the word heart disease flashed through his mind, did he know it?

"You, do you know?" She asked.

"Know what?" With his eyes closed, his big palm moved on her shoulder, and the silky feeling made him unable to restrain the corners of his mouth.

"I have a heart attack." She lowered her head, and she clearly felt the man's hand snapped when she heard these words.


"Then you..." She didn't see any movement from him for a long time, she raised her head and propped herself up, trying to see some traces on his face, but...

no, nothing...

With her shoulders down, she lay down beside him without saying a word.

"So what if you have a heart attack, it doesn't affect our relationship."


"But what, I only know that you are my wife now, and I will protect you." He turned sideways and took her back into his arms, he said.


Surprised, she turned to look at him.

"Can you tell me? Why did you think you had a child left?" After a pause, he added, "I gave birth to Yisheng."

"I..." Not daring to look directly into his eyes, she lowered her head.

"Look at me," she raised her face, "I want to know why you are willing to give birth to him. You should know the price you said to the production team. Why, why did you give birth to him."

"Why, don't you know?" She said quietly after a long silence.

Doesn't he know?No, it's not that he didn't know, but he didn't dare to admit it.

"Because..." She closed her eyes and said, "I love you." In fact, she was also afraid, afraid that the peace that had been slowly cultivated between the two of them would be destroyed.But……

Speak up!She cheered herself up quietly.Perhaps it's time to take this opportunity to clarify.And obviously, she felt the man tremble all over.

Even though he was prepared, he still felt shocked when he heard these words.

"Why, we obviously only met once, how could you..."

"I don't know, maybe this is love!" She laughed, "When I knew I was pregnant, I just thought of giving birth to him, even if... there is no result with you, I just want to give myself a little memory .”

The silence was spreading, as uncomfortable as a rope strangling her neck, Zhang Zisheng's silence made Chen Meixuan feel heartbroken, she closed her eyes in despair, and she smiled desolately.


hehe!I knew it would be this sentence, didn't I?She knew it would be like this, but she still couldn't help it, couldn't help wanting to tell him her love for him, even if in the future, he would avoid him like a snake and a scorpion.

"Meixuan, can you give me another chance?"

what? !

Opening her eyes, she looked at him, puzzled by what he said.

"Give me one more chance for the two of us to start over, okay?" he repeated into her eyes.

"But... don't you love sister-in-law?" She asked directly.

"Xiao Jing is married, isn't she? Yes, I loved her, but now she and I are just siblings. I will still protect her as before, but that's just the responsibility of a brother. And you are the one to protect in this life."

"Have you ever regretted it? Have you regretted falling in love with your sister-in-law?"

"No, I haven't regretted it." Seeing her face full of disappointment because of these words, he laughed, raised his hand, and gently stroked her face, "Meixuan, you can't regret loving someone. If you regret loving someone It can only prove that you don't love him enough. As for Xiaojing, I have no regrets about her choosing your brother. Even if I am sad, I will support her choice. I only hope that she can be happy, you understand? ?”

"What about yourself?" Surprised by his words, she continued.

"That's up to you," he said.

What? "why me?"

"Meixuan, give me a chance, let us start again, I know that I hurt you deeply before, I hope we can all open our hearts, give me a chance, let us get to know each other again, and start over, okay?"

The seriousness in his eyes moved Chen Meixuan. Slowly, she nodded, "Okay." Rather than giving him a chance, it's better to give yourself a chance. Give this love a chance, maybe there will be a turning point.So, she gambled.

"Thank you!" Finally seeing her nodding in agreement, Zhang Zisheng hugged her tightly into his arms.

Resting her head on his chest, she thought, they still had a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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