Chapter 1 Prologue

Preface [-]: Contentment and tranquility are the essence of eternal life

I still remember Mr. Yang Jiang's speech on her [-]th birthday: "The world is your own and has nothing to do with others." Perhaps it is after a hundred years of life that she is so indifferent to fame and fortune. Perhaps this mentality has been with her since she became an adult. When she was old, that's why she didn't compete with the world, lived in seclusion in the city, and lived to be more than a hundred years old in isolation and contentment.

For her more than one hundred years old, a small part of her existence exists as a "daughter", and most of her existence exists as a "wife" and "mother", and she divides this "most part" into several parts, and " "Translator", "Dramalist" and "Writerist" are world-renowned.

As a woman born during the Revolution of [-], she was lucky to escape the humble fate of a traditional woman with bound feet and limited education in a patriarchal society.She was born in an open-minded family. Her father, Yang Yinhang, had studied abroad. Naturally, she had strict requirements on the education of her four daughters.Yang Jiang was the fourth child, but she was sensible and obedient since she was a child. Not only did she succeed in her studies, but she also became her father's right-hand assistant—assisting her father in finishing the case files when he was old.Here I have to talk about the tutoring they received. Without the support of their parents, how would Yang Jiang and her sisters go to school to receive education?When they have achieved something in their studies, whether they have been studying abroad for many years or are oppressed by national disasters, they will eventually return to their parents, wait for them and honor them.When she became a wife and mother herself, she also permeated the whole family with this hereditary family tradition. It is her duty as a wife to stand shoulder to shoulder with Qian Zhongshu's ups and downs, and to share the joys and sorrows. The indoctrination of Western thought did not teach her to be civilized She does not eat fireworks in the world, but it is the traditional Chinese discipline of "caring for a husband and teaching a child" that makes her stick to it all her life.

As we all know, she is an alumnus of Mr. Qian Zhongshu's Tsinghua University, the prototype of a certain character in his "Fortress Besieged", and also his lifelong companion who is both a teacher and a friend.The two met at Tsinghua University, but they had already met each other in their hometown in Wuxi.The talented man and the talented woman met each other late, and accompanied them to study in the UK, so she became his inseparable partner and caregiver in daily life.Even after returning to China and encountering domestic sports, the two of them would never leave, seek happiness in hardships, and maintain an optimistic attitude no matter how difficult the world is.Originally, she could be a diligent housewife without worrying about family income, let alone writing scripts, but she still did not forget her personal spiritual pursuit after giving birth to a child, husband and child, and successively wrote "Satisfaction". Such sensational drama works as "Ruyi", "True into False", "Wind Catches", etc., have translated such tomes as "Little Man", "Gil Brass", and "Don Quixote".The publication of so many works is partly due to her longevity, but more is due to her unique vision of observing the world, her rigorous style and self-demand for creation and translation work.This book starts from the extension of Yang Jiang's life, organically integrates and sorts out what she saw, heard, and wrote, and strives to describe the old man's life systematically and completely.

The language of this book is plain, the pen and ink are realistic, and it fits Mr. Yang Jiang's life style, calm and unassuming.To write a biography for a deceased person, in addition to finding topics from the people who "surrounded" him during his lifetime, he is also looking for materials from the texts he left behind.As an ordinary person, it is a great honor for someone to write a biography for him. In fact, most of them are only preserved in the memories of his children and descendants, and even if they are recorded, they are just small articles.As far as Yang Jiang is concerned, Qian Yuan, the only daughter of her and Qian Zhongshu, died of illness before the two elders, and the successors of writing were cut off from then on, which is a deep pain.Fortunately, Mr. Yang is persuasive. She left the past of the three of them in the pen and ink, and turned it into eternity. In turn, she became the writer of her husband and daughter and the most direct witness of their lives. people.

It is with emotion that she is like an emissary sent by heaven to take care of Qian Zhongshu, dedicating herself to his creation and academic research—if Mr. Qian is the one who leads the students to a broad and far-reaching academic palace, then Mr. Yang will It is the servant who holds the torch and overcomes all obstacles for him.She is willing to give up her talents and studies to support her husband to go further, which is one of the reasons why Mr. Qian is always satisfied with her.Even after Mr. Qian passed away, Yang Jiang edited all his sacks of reading notes, excerpts, articles, and writings by himself, and she still couldn't forget to do the aftermath work alone, just like sweeping away footprints in the snow with a broom , to return a clear and perfect picture to the world.In addition to the detailed descriptions of their marriage and academic studies, the book also shows readers the diligence and low-keyness of the masters in life, writing, and dealing with others. In contrast, it is worth everyone to calm down and read.

A hundred years, compared to the vicissitudes of life, is just a flick of a finger.Life is endlessly interesting, and it is indeed rare for someone who can live a fulfilling, peaceful, contented life like Yang Jiang without being humble or overbearing.Since it is difficult for us to see it in person, let's appreciate this spirit and energy in the book.

Yue Nan
Nov. 2014, 4

Preface with orchid in the heart, sniffing the world of mortals carefully

Brew a pot of time-honored tea, and a demure flower blooms from the strong fragrance.Even though the years are getting old and the past has become smoke, her heart is still the same as before, like Lan Zhi, like still water.

She was born in troubled times, but there is a peace in her heart that does not contend with the world.

This is Yang Jiang.

A hundred years is just a flick of a finger in the vast history, but it is a very long time for a person.On July [-], [-], Yang Jiang will be [-] years old. This old man with silver hair is still sober.The joys and sorrows of honor and disgrace in this life condensed into a heavy wisdom in her heart.

The love between her and Qian Zhongshu has been passed down as a good story.In the vicissitudes of life, they have truly achieved "holding the hand of the son and growing old together with the son".No matter how many hardships and hardships there are, they have walked hand in hand and are in the same boat through thick and thin.They have almost become a model couple, no matter in terms of personal hobbies and interests, or family background, or in terms of academic qualifications and achievements, they are very comparable.

In order to support her husband in writing the novel "Fortress Besieged", Yang Jiang willingly took over all the housework and dismissed the nanny to reduce expenses.And Qian Zhongshu admired her even more, so much so that he left a title of "wife honoring" among his friends.

Yang Jiang's articles are just like herself, optimistic and serene, wise and tactful.She has a precise and unique understanding of the use of words. Whether it is in the dialogue of dramas or in the writing of prose, she is as plain and profound as a quiet lake. She always goes with the flow and never deliberately Pretentious.And in this natural style of writing, there is infinite power.

Throughout her life, she never stopped learning. At the age of 47, she began to translate "Don Quixote".In order to translate this work more accurately, she began to learn Spanish.After 20 years, "Don Quixote" finally met with readers in [-].When the King and Queen of Spain visited China, Deng Xiaoping gave them the Chinese translation of Don Quixote as a gift.For this reason, the King of Spain specially awarded Yang Jiang the "Wisdom King Alfonso X Cross Medal" in recognition of her contribution to the spread of Spanish culture.

We see that Yang Jiang is shining with various halos of honor, and behind these halos, there are often many unknown sad histories hidden.

Yang Jiang, who has already penetrated the world, said: "God will not let all happiness be concentrated on one person. Getting love does not necessarily have money; having money does not necessarily lead to happiness; getting happiness does not necessarily lead to health; having health does not necessarily mean that everything will come true." No one is Perfect, in life, there are many things that are impossible to have at the same time.

She has been strong and brave through the difficult years.

Whether it is glory or humiliation, she can always maintain a peaceful heart.

After going through the years of youthful glory and vicissitudes of life, her heart has been as still as still water.The successive deaths of her daughter and her husband dealt a huge blow to her, but she still came through with strength.For the rest of her life, she walked alone in this vast world, missed the "three of us" once, sorted out the dusty memories alone, and stood by the original belief in the setting sun alone.

Life is miserable, having had is happiness.Even at the edge of life, Yang Jiang still lives without being humble.A hundred years has created a good story in the Chinese literary world, and also created an immortal legend in the vast history.

Time spreads its wings, carrying the history of an old man, and flies into the distance.The events of the past hundred years have all turned into a gentle wind, carrying the energy of life, hovering in people's hearts.For the sake of awe and spiritual nourishment, we are willing to calm down and pursue the past of Mr. Yang Jiang piously.

That year, her life began in the Yang family. She had a refined father, a gentle mother, and lovely brothers and sisters.This "cold family" is full of happiness. They love each other and turn happiness into strength to resist disease and the turmoil of the years.

Fate has set many tests for this family. When he was young, he traveled to many places, his father's career "ups and downs", the god of death almost "visited unexpectedly", and the school changed again and again. The memory of her, like the first ancient poem she recited when she was young, is deeply stored in her mind and accompanies her.

(End of this chapter)

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