The most virtuous wife, the most talented woman: the biography of Yang Jiang

Chapter 15 Enlightenment of the Liyuan·Affiliated to the Theater

Chapter 15 Enlightenment of the Liyuan·Affiliated to the Theater (1)
Only death, no more separation

People say: distance produces beauty, which probably means that they are afraid that if they get along for a long time, they will get tired of seeing each other.But not everyone needs the so-called "distance". When your lover and your soul mate or friend are alone, no matter how long you have been together, you will see that the two are deeply in love, and you can only sigh that the gap is too short, a hundred years in a flash.

In the summer of [-], Qian Zhongshu returned to Shanghai for the summer vacation.Before he left Tsinghua University and transferred to Lantian National Teachers College, he always felt ashamed. During this time, he learned that Tsinghua University wanted to hire him before going back. He was very happy, so he resigned from Lantian National Teachers College this time. work, ready to go back to Tsinghua University.

When Qian Zhongshu promised his father to go to Lantian National Teachers College, there was a one-year agreement.He only went there for half a year, serving his father every day, serving tea and water, talking and chatting.When he was abroad, he learned how to make chicken soup, so he often stewed some chicken soup for his father to nourish his body, but Qian's father didn't seem to "appreciate" it. Individuals have different definitions of "cultivation".

Qian Zhongshu once wrote a letter to Tsinghua University Secretary-General Shen Lu, roughly meaning: "I wonder if I will be free after one year?" One year later, Qian Zhongshu was afraid that his father would go back on his previous agreement.Qian Zhongshu knew his father well, and sure enough his father didn't want to go back to Shanghai, so Qian Zhongshu resigned and came back during the vacation.

Yang Jiang said that he was waiting for the letter of appointment from Tsinghua University like "an idiot waiting for a wife", but there has been no news.He continued to wait anxiously, he still hoped that it was only because of the delay of the war, and there was still no news until the end of the year.At this time, the war situation changed greatly, because the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, the Pacific War officially broke out, Shanghai fell in the war, and the "isolated island" was swallowed by the vast ocean.Qian Zhongshu had no choice but to stay in Shanghai with Yang Jiang, facing the increasingly turbulent reality, and striving to live in peace and safety.

Because Qian Zhongshu has been out of work, Yang Yinhang gave him his part-time lectures at Aurora Women's College of Arts and Sciences, so that he can make money to support his life, and he can also rest.

When Qian Zhongshu just returned from Lantian National Teachers College, he looked very embarrassed because of the ups and downs of the journey. His hair was long and untidy, and his long gown was "ravaged" during the journey.When Ah Yuan saw him, she couldn't recognize his father anymore, and it was no wonder that Ah Yuan was unfamiliar, she hadn't seen her father for nearly two years, so she stood there and stared at this "stranger" vigilantly.This "stranger" also put his suitcase in her mother's room, which made her even more worried. She still wanted to protect her mother when she was little.

This kind of doubt broke out at dinner time, and she said loudly to her father: "This is my mother, your mother is over there." This sentence made everyone present laugh, only her expression was still serious, frowning , she wants to drive this "stranger" away.

Qian Zhongshu looked at his daughter's cute little appearance, and asked her with a smile: "Let me ask you, did I know your mother first, or you first?"
"Naturally, I got to know each other first. I got to know each other when I was born. You got to know each other when you grew up." This sentence was still fresh in Yang Jiang's memory. She didn't know how the little man thought of these words. The daughter's words made her laugh. He pulled Ah Yuan over and said something in her ear. Ah Yuan immediately changed her attitude and became so close to her father that she couldn't even compare to her mother.

What Qian Zhongshu said at that time became an eternal secret between him and his daughter. The daughter was his father's little lover in his previous life and his little padded jacket in this life. Ah Yuan was still his father's "good buddy". .A Yuan likes her father the most, and also likes her father to play with her the most. In the words of grandma, Qian Zhongshu and A Yuan are "brother mouses in the same year as companions". Yuan Wenjing is well-behaved, but after his father came back, he became "crazy" and made a lot of trouble.

It's no wonder that Ah Yuan was well-behaved when she was a child because a group of elders taught her to read, write, and tell stories, but she didn't have a playmate with her. Her father came back and became her "little friend", which made her realize whether The happiness of life belongs to the laughter of childhood.Qian Zhongshu loves his daughter, he has been in pain since birth, in order to give A Yuan the only love, he and Yang Jiang decided to only have A Yuan, put A Yuan on top of their hearts, and playing together has become a relationship between father and daughter Way.

Qian Zhongshu came to Aurora Women's College of Arts and Sciences to replace his father-in-law and taught part-time. After a period of time, he was officially hired by the school as a professor, and he continued to work until the end of the Anti-Japanese War.During the working period, Qian Zhongshu and his colleague Chen Linrui became good friends. The two families lived very close, and the wives of the two families also became good friends. Yang Jiang is very encouraged to create dramas, which has also become one of the reasons why she embarked on this path.

Chen Linrui graduated from Tsinghua University and has studied in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany.After returning to China, she taught in many well-known universities, including Shanghai Jinan University, Fudan University, Guanghua University, and Aurora Women's College of Arts and Sciences. She has long been engaged in translation and drama creation. Her pen name is Shi Huafu. She has many excellent works, "Shanghai Anti-Japanese War Literature "Series" has published an anthology of his plays, including "Professional Women", "Dinner Banquet", "The Wild Goose Comes Red" and so on.He is loyal and humble. Yang Jiang has a good impression of him. His work attitude is very strict, especially the script requirements are even stricter.He has a deep research on ridiculous things, and has collected many books on the psychology of laughter, which Yang Jiang often borrows to read.He also guided Yang Jiang in the creation of the script, for which Yang Jiang was very grateful.

During the creation of the script, another friend of Qian Zhongshu’s—Li Jianwu also gave Yang Jiang a lot of help. He is an alumnus of Qian Zhongshu’s Tsinghua University. He once studied in Paris. After returning to China, he founded the Shanghai Experimental Drama School. He adapts foreign plays, and writes plays, short stories and essays by himself, and also directs plays by himself.He has thoroughly studied Flaubert and Molière, and has translated a large number of Flaubert's novels.

Qian Zhongshu's collection of essays "Write on the Edge of Life" was published during that time. Chen Linrui and Li Jianwu provided a lot of opinions and suggestions. In order to express his gratitude to his friends for their help, Qian Zhongshu gathered together for a meal Yang Jiang also participated in the meal.Talking about drama creation during the meeting, everyone unanimously encouraged Yang Jiang to try drama creation, and talked about the current situation and future development of Chinese drama at that time, and Yang Jiang had the germination of drama creation in his heart.

During that time, the war was still going on, and the rich lady who was tutoring before graduated from high school, and she stopped teaching.After a while, Fu Donghua took his daughter to the mainland. His daughter was teaching in an elementary school. After leaving, the position became vacant, and Yang Jiang took the job.

Yang Jiang is very attentive in everything she does. Although she has not received formal teacher training, she has a set of methods that she has summed up.Other teachers don't like to teach first grade children, because the children who have just come out of home to school have no rules at all, and the class is noisy.Yang Jiang memorized all the children's names in only three lessons. Once someone was mischievous, she would call his name directly and stop him. She never called students "little classmate" or "little friend" in general and vaguely. ", the children were afraid when they saw the teacher "knowing everything" and became obedient.

At that time, primary schools were controlled by the Japanese and belonged to half-day schools.Although Yang Jiang is unwilling to have any interaction with the Japanese, but life forces her to continue working here.

At that time, Shanghai was in dire straits, and the Japanese set up checkpoints everywhere to check passers-by. If they were not careful, there would be "killing disasters". Everyone living in Shanghai lived in fear.At that time, Yang Jiang was a long way from Qian’s house on Lafayette Road to work at school. She had to take a car to the French Concession, and then walk a long way through an area that was not the French Concession, and then take a car to get to school.

On that day, Yang Jiang also experienced a "shocking" experience. The last section of the train was a tram, which needed to pass the Huangpu River Bridge, but there were Japanese soldiers guarding the bridge, and only empty trains were allowed to pass. Passengers had to get off and walk across the bridge. Get on the tram again.When passing the Japanese sentry post, you should bow to the Japanese soldiers there, and when the Japanese soldiers board the vehicle to check, everyone also needs to stand up and bow.Yang Jiang hated this behavior very much. That time she stood up a little later than everyone else, and was discovered by the Japanese soldiers. She was furious, walked up to her with a grim face, and lifted her chin with her index finger.Yang Jiang was also furious, staring at the Japanese soldier's eyes, and said fiercely: "How can this be reasonable?!"
In the silent car, four sonorous and forceful words resounded, everyone held their breath, thinking how this weak girl had the courage to challenge the Japanese, and everyone sweated for their compatriots.

The Japanese obviously didn't expect this woman's reaction, so they froze for a moment, looked her in the eyes, and confronted her for a long time. Yang Jiang didn't give in or show weakness at all. In the end, it was the Japanese who "lost" first. ", turned around and got out of the car and left.

After the car restarted, the carriage suddenly boiled over, everyone was discussing what kind of heart and leopard this woman had eaten, dare to resist like this!

At this time, Yang Jiang seemed to have experienced a war, and he let out a sigh of relief. Looking back on the process, she was afraid, and a big incident was almost caused. I am afraid that her life would be in danger, so she gave up the tram and started to walk to work. Later, he also quit his job teaching in elementary school.

The salary of this job is good. In addition to the salary, there will be three buckets of white rice every month. Food is the most precious during the war. Although it is only a small piece of broken rice, it is far better than the market. At that time, Japan Half of the white rice distributed to ordinary citizens is sand, and the supply is limited.

Yang Jiang lost his job, and Qian Zhongshu took on the burden of supporting his family alone. At that time, Qian Zhongshu was valued by the leaders of Aurora Women's College of Arts and Sciences, and he even accepted a student who worshiped under his door—— Zhou Jiezhi, who was from a good family. The students always asked Qian Zhongshu to buy books for him, and he didn't read the books very much when he bought them. Basically, Qian Zhongshu read them.During that time, although other conditions were difficult, books were very abundant. He also wrote "Jiezhizhai Collection" on each book, and specially made a "Jiezhizhai" seal.

Yang Jiang is very contented, and Qian Zhongshu also faces this kind of life calmly, because in his heart the most important thing is that the family stay together safely. He once said to Yang Jiang: "From now on, we only have to say goodbye. Rebirth."
"Satisfaction" in and out of the play
The war continued in full swing, and all supplies in the occupied Shanghai were in short supply. Mr. Qian Zhongshu, a teacher, relied on his skills to make ends meet. He didn't have a big income, but he was safe.Once, someone sent a load of watermelon to Qian's house, but he didn't name it and said it was for Qian Zhongshu. Yang Jiang thought it was definitely not for Qian Zhongshu, who would give something to a teacher!
After a while, the student who delivered the watermelon called and asked if the watermelon had arrived. Only then did Yang Jiang confirm that it was given to Qian Zhongshu. He thought it was given to his cousin and had already moved to the room over there. They moved back again, which opened Ah Yuan's eyes, so many big watermelons were given to her father, and her father was so "capable", she said: "Dad, these watermelons are all yours! ── I Well, it's your daughter." This bit of watermelon made Ah Yuan proud for several days, both her and the watermelon belonged to Dad, and Dad laughed proudly.They are destined to live optimistically while enjoying themselves in hardship.

Ah Yuan can eat things like watermelon, but Dad likes to tease Ah Yuan, seeing how angry and anxious she looks.Every time there is something to eat, he will say: "Baby, noeat." She will understand that this is not edible, but after teasing it more times, she will know how to judge by the face of parents eat.Once her father said "Baby, noeat", she looked at the expression of her mother next to her and said, "Baby, yeseat!" In desperation, the six-year-old she could actually speak, and her parents laughed out loud at her.

The war brought endless disasters to people. Under the huge pressure, drama became one of the people's favorite literary methods at that time. Many people integrated the pressure of life and their views on the situation into it through the form of drama. , many repertory troupes came into being, both professional and non-professional.According to statistics, there were more than 20 Shanghai theater troupes in 50, with more than [-] actors, and more than [-] plays were staged before and after.

At this time, Yang Jiang entered the field of vision of Huang Zuolin and Ke Ling.At that time, Huang Zuolin, Ke Ling, Li Jianwu and Chen Linrui also formed theater troupes such as "Shanghai Professional Theater Troupe" and "Shanghai Professional Theater Troupe".

One night in the winter of [-], Chen Linrui was the host and invited Qian Zhongshu and his wife and Li Jianwu to eat roast mutton, because his adaptation of the play "Dinner Banquet" was staged, and several good friends ate and drank together and were very happy.The roast mutton in this restaurant is very special. There is a pot of firewood among the crowd, and the mutton is roasted on the firewood. You can’t get it out with chopsticks empty-handed. Also don't have a flavor.

Chen Linrui said that this way of eating comes from the authentic way of eating of the Mongolians, which has national characteristics.These words reminded Yang Jiang of the contents of the book she had read, so she said it to share with everyone, that is, the Mongolian prince in "Clouds and Clouds", and the Mongolian prince in "Dinner Banquet".Chen Linrui listened to Yang Jiang telling the story vividly, as if seeing it with his own eyes, and said, "Why don't you also come up with a script?" Yang Jiang felt that he was inexperienced, and the number of times he could even read it was limited.But the repeated encouragement of her friends made her decide to give it a try.

(End of this chapter)

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