The most virtuous wife, the most talented woman: the biography of Yang Jiang

Chapter 21 Talking about fleeting years·There will always be sunny days after the rain

Chapter 21 Talking about fleeting years·There will always be sunny days after the rain (1)
live next to treasure
There will be ebbs and flows on a calm sea, and life will inevitably experience high tides and troughs. Difficulties are not terrible. What is terrible is that people are afraid of this difficulty, making it an insurmountable mountain in their hearts.In fact, summer will come after winter, and there will be dawn after night.

When they returned to Beijing, it was already [-].Because of Premier Zhou's care, and because of their health and age, they became the first batch of returnees.This experience has added an unforgettable touch to their lives, and it has the exclusive imprint of that era.

Keeping the clouds open to see the moon, the desire for a peaceful life has always been there.

When she first returned to Beijing, A Yuan asked her parents to live in the university dormitory where she had lived for more than three years.It was a north-facing room on the third floor. The room was cold and gloomy. As soon as she entered the room, Ah Yuan put her hands behind her back and said, "Oh! It's not good! It's exposed!" Then he laughed.

Her room is dirty and messy, it seems that it has not been cleaned for a long time, Ah Yuan does not like to be tidy, unlike her mother, she often forms a team with her father to resist her mother's cleanliness.Mom put the towels neatly on the shelf, and the corners were aligned. She and Dad just put them together and fooled them.If the mother finds out, they will be punished. Only under the supervision of the mother, the two of them can make a good towel.

There are only bunk beds in this dormitory, and because Madoka lives alone, no one else cleans up the room.The bookshelf in the room was covered with a layer of dust. Judging from the thickness, it can be seen that it has not been cleaned for a long time. There are many things randomly placed in the room, as well as the things that Ah Yuan used to color the paintings at that time. , Let the mother who suddenly saw this scene laugh before she could get angry.

Seeing Qian Yuan's parents coming, many neighbors came over to express their welcome, and brought a lot of daily necessities to solve their most basic problems in life here. This also made Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu very happy. Popular with surrounding neighbors.

The family has been tossed and turned many times, and finally reunited again, and now they live together again, and everyone feels at ease.Ah Yuan doesn't have to worry about his parents being bullied, and the two old people don't have to worry about their daughter's health and safety. Yang Jiang wrote in "The Three of Us": "Although the house is cold, we feel warm."
Because the room is on the shady side and it is very cold in winter, one of Ah Yuan's colleagues gave them a house in a small yellow building.The sun is very good here, and everyone began to work together to move.This time the dust on the closet caused trouble. Qian Zhongshu ate a lot of dust when he cleaned it "clumsily". Although Yang Jiang found out his dangerous behavior and stopped it in time, he still suffered from asthma.

Years of old asthma, coupled with the severe cold attack for many days, made Qian Zhongshu seriously ill.When it was severe, he could no longer sleep in bed, and could only lean on it halfway, or walk back and forth on the ground.He was prescribed some medicine in the hospital, but he didn't get better soon. Yang Jiang heard his breathing sound during an asthma attack and called him "Wuthering Heights".

One afternoon, Yang Jiang found that Qian Zhongshu's breathing sound was very abnormal, so she hurriedly took him to the hospital, where he went to the emergency room. Yang Jiang was very anxious, and she felt that Qian Zhongshu's breathing seemed to stop at any time.Later, when she returned to school, Yang Jiang found that the capillaries in her left eyeball were bleeding urgently.Qian Zhongshu was rescued in the hospital for four hours before recovering, and Yang Jiang was also relieved.

Beginning on May 22, [-], Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu lived in the office at the west end of Building No. [-] of the Faculty of Education. They lived here for two years. They ate, slept, and studied in this office. They even thought about I live in this office because the neighbors are very kind.Although the conditions are simple and she has to burn coal for heating in winter, she lives very comfortably.It was in this office that Qian Zhongshu completed the first draft of "Guan Zhui Bian".

"Guan Zhui Bian" is a masterpiece written by Mr. Qian Zhongshu.This book is called "Guoxue Dadian".In the whole creative process, there is a huge amount of information that needs to be verified. Fortunately, living here is a rare convenience.There is another place they like in this house. The library of the Faculty of Arts is very close to them, in Building No. [-].He used to be the director there, and the collection of books there is so comprehensive that even the foreign guests are amazed by it, which satisfies his greatest hobby, like living next to the treasure.

Qian Zhongshu always said: "Books can't be read unless they are borrowed!" So he often borrowed books to read, and took notes after reading and returned them.He also likes to donate books, whether it is his own works or books at home, if he thinks it is beneficial to your study and work, he will give them to you. Many people have received books from him and Mr. Yang Jiang.

Once, two people were almost gas poisoned because they didn't notice that the chimney outlet was blocked.Yang Jiang took sleeping pills before going to bed. She smelled the smell in her dream, but she couldn't wake up. Suddenly, there was a muffled sound, and it was Qian Zhongshu who fell to the ground. Open the window to let the wind out.

It turned out that Qian Zhongshu also smelled the gas in his dream. When he got up and wanted to open the window, because he inhaled the gas, he fell dizzy and fell down. His forehead hit the radiator next to him, leaving a scar.The two of them opened the window, wrapped in cotton clothes, and sat until dawn.Fortunately, it was Qian Zhongshu who fell, otherwise the consequences would be scary to think about.

Later, Beijing replaced the briquettes with gas tanks, and Yang Jiang turned off the coal stove one night before going to bed.The next morning, Qian Zhongshu showed up with breakfast as usual, as well as her favorite lard rice cake, but the expression on his face was rather smug.

Yang Jiang didn't pay attention at first, Qian Zhongshu also ate with a smile and didn't speak.While eating, Yang Jiang suddenly thought that Qian Zhongshu didn't know how to use a gas tank, because he couldn't strike a match at all.She asked: "Who lit the fire for you?" Qian Zhongshu said proudly: "I can strike a match!"
This kind of breakfast was prepared by Qian Zhongshu when the two of them were in England, and he insisted on it until Qian Zhongshu was hospitalized for decades, a good morning greeting that belonged to the two of them . The "clumsy" Qian Zhongshu struck a match for the first time in order to make breakfast for his wife.

During this period of time, another thing that must be mentioned happened.When Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu were in the cadre school, Qian Yuan helped an old lady. At that time, the old lady was asked to sweep the street. Qian Yuan didn't know who she was, but he just helped out of kindness.It was later learned that the old lady was the wife of a chief engineer, and she was very knowledgeable. One day she came here to meet Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu, and she had one thing to hope for.

The old lady had a very good impression of Qian Yuan, and thought she was very kind, and she wanted her to be her daughter-in-law. This time she came here to discuss this matter with Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu. At first, A Yuan was unwilling. During the separation and reunion before, she really wanted to stay with her parents.Yang Jiang said to her: "We are going to leave in the future, can we rest assured that we leave you alone?" Ah Yuan is very filial and naturally knows her mother's heart, so a happy marriage was born later.

Sanlihe's home

In the first half of [-], all the darkness had passed, and everyone was preparing for a new life.

Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu had a new residence, the State Council dormitory in Shagou, Sanlihe River. Compared with the previous living conditions, it was spacious and bright, and the family officially moved in on the day of Lichun.When moving, Qian Zhongshu was basically not used, and he was treated as the most important piece of "luggage" that needed protection, and he was taken directly to the new home by a special car.

Speaking of this house, it was actually a bit strange. Someone came directly to Yang Jiang's office, handed her a bunch of keys, and prepared a car. Finally, he said: "If anyone asks, just say" because you live in the office "."
This mysterious gift made the two of them think for a long time. They screened the people they knew around them, and finally they guessed that it was Hu Qiaomu.He was Mao Zedong's secretary at that time, and he also recommended Qian Zhongshu to serve as the chairman of the English Translation Committee of "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" and presided over the English translation of "Selected Works of Mao Zedong".From [-] to [-], Qian Zhongshu spent a lot of time presiding over the English translation of the four volumes of "Selected Works of Mao Zedong".

Qian Zhongshu is an "arrogant" person, and he even pointed out that Chairman Mao's book contained errors.When he was translating "Mao Xuan", he pointed out that the original text about Sun Hou'er coming out of the bull devil's belly was wrong. Sun Hou'er turned into a bug and was swallowed by Princess Iron Fan.

Xu Yonghuan, who was in charge of this matter at the time, asked his superiors for instructions, and everyone found several versions of "Journey to the West" to find out the description of this link, and found that Qian Zhongshu remembered it correctly, and Chairman Mao really revised the original text.

At that time, being able to translate Chairman Mao's anthology was a matter of supreme honor.Everyone heard that Qian Zhongshu was mainly in charge of English translation, and they all came to congratulate him at home, but Qian Zhongshu didn't think it was a gratifying thing, and even panicked. Ask for nothing."Fortunately, this work is not difficult for Qian Zhongshu. His previous experience is enough to make him competent. Others often rework and redo translation works, but Qian Zhongshu can complete them quickly under the premise of ensuring quality.The translated content is not only close to the original, but also has an English artistic conception, which is a higher level of translation.He still spends his free time reading, which is both an interest and a pastime for him.

Hu Qiaomu was very concerned about the lives of Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang. When they came back to live in the office, they even sent asthma prescriptions.So the two guessed that this house might have something to do with him. Once he came to visit, he didn't mention the house at first, until he saw a bed at their gate, he asked them: "Is the house enough to live in? "Yang Jiang replied: "The original wish is not as good as this."
In Yang Jiang's memory, they seemed to be expressing their gratitude with this sentence. The house was not bad. Qian Zhongshu was not an "official" at that time, but he lived in the cadre building, which was considered preferential treatment.

The house is very spacious with three bedrooms and one living room. Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu have one bedroom, A Yuan has one bedroom, a study and a living room.But the study room was obviously not enough, gradually, even the living room became a part of the study room.

The furnishings in the room are very simple. The bookshelves in the study room are the most magnificent. There are several large bookshelves full of books, like a library. There are all kinds of books from ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, and they have read every book in it.

Both of them are intellectuals, they don't have a lot of money, and they have always lived frugally. Only when it comes to books, the two of them have never been stingy.They are all interested in reading books they haven't read, and they are not limited to Chinese books. They also use all channels to buy foreign language books. Yang Jiang called Qian Zhongshu a "bookworm", and she is not inferior to him.

There are two desks in their house, one big and one small, one horizontal and one vertical, the big one belongs to Qian Zhongshu, and the small one belongs to Yang Jiang. Yang Jiang said that Qian Zhongshu is more famous, so he needs to use a bigger desk just work.

In fact, Qian Zhongshu has a little more stuff, most of which are letters from readers from all over the country, invitation letters for some occasions, and unfinished books, which he piles up on the table.

Letters from readers come in from all directions every day, and the number is huge. Regarding how to deal with letters from readers, Yang Jiang also consulted a famous writer at that time, because he also had a lot of letters from readers. There are so many, how can I reply one by one!
But the first thing Qian Zhongshu does every day when he sits at his desk is to reply to letters from readers. He calls this "repaying debts". He politely thanks each letter for their appreciation of his works, but There are too many "debts", and new ones appear every day, so he can only try his best to recover.

(End of this chapter)

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