The most virtuous wife, the most talented woman: the biography of Yang Jiang

Chapter 29: Dream Year·Looking for the way to Zhang's family

Chapter 29 A Hundred Years of Dream · Looking for the way home (2)
Many media want to interview Yang Jiang, but now she is a little deaf, and when she can't hear clearly, she asks the other party to write it down, so she can see it.Regarding everyone's concern for her, she said, "Very good, very well-behaved, although she is old, she does not want to be lazy, and is willing to make a little progress every day."

She is still writing in lower case every day, and copying Zhongshu's "Huaiju Poems", so that she "feels that every day is new, seeing the changes in leaves and listening to the singing of birds every day, it is different".

Someone asked her, she has written a lot of things over the years, and she is still writing now, which is the most satisfying work?She just said, "A Yuan is the masterpiece of my life."
When Mr. Yang Jiang was [-] years old, People's Literature Publishing House collected the most comprehensive collection of works of Mr. Yang Jiang so far, "Collected Works of Yang Jiang", which includes dramas, essays and translation works created before.It also includes new articles such as "The Truth About Qian Zhongshu's Leaving Southwest Associated University" and "Remembering Chen Hengzhe".Mr. Yang Jiang personally wrote "The Author's Preface" and "Yang Jiang's Life and Creation Memorabilia", and also provided some precious picture materials.As a collection of works commemorating the [-]th anniversary of her literary creation, it uses a book to record people's pursuit of literature in an era.

This collection of works has a total of more than 250 million words. The first four volumes are works created by Mr. Yang Jiang: the first volume is the novel part, which includes the previous novel "Bathing" and seven short stories; the second and third volumes are The prose part includes "Six Records of the Cadre School", "Drinking Tea", "Miscellaneous Writing and Miscellaneous Memories", etc. "The Truth About Qian Zhongshu's Leaving Southwest Associated University", "Remembering Chen Hengzhe", "I Go to School at Qiming" are It is also the first time that Mr. Yang Jiang's works in recent years have appeared in front of readers; the fourth volume contains essays on drama works and analysis of famous works, including "Satisfactory Wishes" and "True into False".

The fifth to eighth volumes are the translated works of Mr. Yang Jiang, including "Don Quixote", "Gil Brass", "Little Manny Man", "Phaedo" and so on.

At the end of the volume, "Yang Jiang's Life and Creation Memorabilia" was written by Mr. Yang Jiang based on his own memories and records. It records Mr. Yang Jiang's works along the way in order. To some extent, it is equivalent to a A miniature biography of Yang Jiang is published, and many of the photos in it are published for the first time, giving people a comprehensive understanding of Mr. Yang Jiang's life.

"Collected Works of Yang Jiang" seems comprehensive, but Mr. Yang Jiang said that this will not be the end of her own creation. She said that as long as she is healthy and can support herself to pick up a pen, she will continue to write until the end.

The publishing house invited Yang Jiang to attend a seminar on her own works, but she declined.She said: "I handed over the manuscript, and how to sell the book is out of my control." Yes, this is not good.

blue sky outside the window

Yang Jiang lived a simple life, but never hesitated to help others.If the people in the yard encounter any difficulties, she will take the initiative to provide help.She has donated all her royalties, and she lives only on her pension. Her pension is not much, but she has helped many people. They are all young people who are in trouble. Some of them are from Qian Zhongshu. It started helping when I was there and continued for many years.Once when a friend went to his house, she saw that the shoes she was wearing were quite chic. She said they belonged to Qian Yuan. At that time, my friend was about to cry. Facing such an old man, all difficulties seemed to be trivialized.

After her relatives left, Yang Jiang hardly shed tears in front of outsiders. During that time, her health was very bad, and she could only support the wall when she walked. Although she was strong in front of outsiders, she could only fall asleep at night after taking sleeping pills .There are restrictions on the purchase of sleeping pills, but she takes a large amount, so relatives help her buy them. Everyone feels distressed when they see the thin Mr. Yang Jiang, but they can't do anything.

At that time, she hadn't lived in Xiegu.Before anyone comes to visit, everyone must make an appointment with the nanny in advance.The time can't be too early, because Yang Jiang needs to dress up and tidy up.She lived a simple life, and most of her clothes were bought before. Although they were not new, they were very clean and tidy, and she was dignified.That feeling can't be cultivated overnight, but accumulated over time.Whenever you see her, she always appears so suave.Two tall eyebrows always make people feel very energetic and resolute.When Qian Zhongshu was at home, when guests came to the house, he often met them with a vest and shorts. Yang Jiang always gave people a feeling of being neatly dressed.

Yang Jiang has always been healthy, taking care of her own affairs well every day, and rarely caring about the outside world. When Yang Jiang was [-] years old, according to the tradition of her hometown Wuxi, there is a saying of "doing nine but not ten". Therefore, Yang Jiang's birthday on July [-], [-] has already passed her [-]th birthday.At that time, Mr. Qian Zhonglu, Qian Zhongshu's cousin, asked her in advance what she wanted to do for her [-]th birthday?On the phone, Yang Jiang told him: each of them can eat a bowl of birthday noodles for her at home.Here, we don't have to bother her too much.

Today, Sanlihe's home is still quiet, all three-story old buildings here.Yang Jiang called this apartment "the inn of life". All the joys and sorrows are the past, and all the people have become passers-by. At this time, no one can disturb her peaceful heart.People who have been there said that only her family did not seal up the balcony, and someone asked her why.She said: "In order to sit in the house, I can see a blue sky." When she was reading at the desk, when she was tired, she looked up and looked outside. The decoration inside the house was still simple.It is still the original concrete floor, old-style steel windows, and coarse sofas.

There are still a few handprints on the ceiling. It is said that those are the imprints left by Yang Jiang changing the light bulb when Qian Zhongshu was alive. At that time, she was already in her 70s. A stool, and a stool on top of the stool...

The government once offered to decorate her house, but Mr. Yang Jiang refused, "Although it is the state's money, it belongs to the common people, so don't spend it"; although she lives in a simple room, she cares about the world.

On the wall of her living room are photos of "the three of us", from left to right: Yang Jiang, Qian Yuan, and Qian Zhongshu.Time doesn't take everything away...

A century of ups and downs, a thin figure supported the whole family, and also supported the backbone of a generation of writers.

The low-key way of life has allowed her and Qian Zhongshu to survive a lot of ups and downs. She and Qian Zhongshu's way of life belongs to their wisdom in life. She rejected the academic seminar held by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences for the centenary of Qian Zhongshu's birth , because she remembered Qian Zhongshu's entrustment, "No commemorative meeting of any kind".

Being indifferent to fame and fortune may not be enough to describe "the arrogance of a literati", but Yang Jiang loves her and Qian Zhongshu's pure world very much, and the turmoil outside has never had anything to do with them.Compared with other writers, reading her articles is like having a face-to-face conversation with her. It is easy to get close to her, and you can also understand the changes in the fate of that generation of intellectuals and the historical changes of an era.

Yang Jiang, who is over a hundred years old, still insists on reading every day, eats very lightly, sleeps very little, goes to bed at 01:30 in the evening, and wakes up at 06:30 in the morning.She usually exercises in her room and rarely goes downstairs, probably because she is afraid of the inevitable small talk when meeting acquaintances. She cherishes her time very much.

She walks [-] steps a day, walking back and forth indoors. For the convenience of counting, she carries seven pencils on her body, and puts down one every [-] steps. Thanks to her insistence on exercising, although she is over a hundred years old, except for her hearing loss, her body is still strong and her steps are light.

Now she strictly controls her daily diet and tries not to eat greasy things, but she likes to buy big sticks of bones to make soup, break the bones into pieces, and then cook fungus with the boiled soup.She tries her best to maintain this habit every day, her body is still strong, and she insists on doing Dayan Qigong. If the weather is good, she will go for a walk under the tree, thanks to the peace and indifference in her heart, life will continue.

She is already a centenarian. As an old man who lives an ordinary life, she will occasionally suffer from physical problems. She also actively cooperates with the treatment.My ears are hard of hearing, and my eyesight has also declined, so I have closed the door to thank guests.Occasionally, friends I know or don’t know will call home, and she will always have a gentle chat, and then say that her arms are a little sore, everyone will feel sorry for her when they hear such words, people really don’t need to bother Her life is gone.Let her read books, think quietly, and look at the sun every day. This is the concern for her.

She always said: "Mr. Qian and A Yuan are gone, and my journey is over." It makes people feel very worried, and they will feel sorry for this strong old man.

Yang Jiang has no fear of death in her heart, she calls it "going home", because the two people she loves most are waiting for her return after "cleaning the battlefield". The two girls are only responsible for messing up the house, and Yang Jiang is responsible for cleaning after them.What a warm picture.

Perhaps only after experiencing the great waves of life can we cherish the peace of mind that peace brings to people.Live your own life.The words written by Yang Jiang never see pain and desolation, but only warmth and beauty.Like a pair of hands, always able to hold you tight when you need it.

Reading will give people a kind of strength, serenity and perseverance!Yang Jiang's writing makes people realize the original purity and beauty of human nature.In Yang Jiang's translation of "Phaedo", we can clearly understand that this old lady who has experienced the greatest hardship in her life stood up again with her thin body, and continued to bring us books from the book with her pen. food for thought.

For this old man, time puts away its cruelty, and a hundred years is warm and long, because she spends every day with her heart.Every day in the past, she has moved forward with the love given to her by her family, and she is the same today, still possessing that flexibility, open-mindedness, independence, low-key, warmth...

We should retain our admiration for Mr. Yang Jiang, turn everything into blessings, and wish her good health.

(End of this chapter)

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