The most virtuous wife, the most talented woman: the biography of Yang Jiang

Chapter 8 Acacia Buckle: Sweet Brew of Love Soaked in the Years

Chapter 8 Acacia Buckle: Sweet Brew of Love Soaked in the Years (1)
The red line under the Yuelao system
Fate is destined, one sentence seems to explain all coincidences.

The meeting of fate brought together two people who were strangers in the world, and started a love story.Some people leave regrets in love, some people learn to cherish in love, some people drink up the pain in love, and some people reap happiness in love... Everyone can't refuse the magic of love.

Yang Jiang's love will also slowly begin in a story of encounter.

This year, the youthful Yang Jiang and his five classmates went north to study, and took the entrance qualification examination when they arrived at Yenching University.After passing the exam, Yang Jiang wanted to visit her old friend Jiang Entian at Tsinghua University. It happened that Kong Lingxian, who came with her, had a cousin in Tsinghua University, so the two went together.When they arrived at Tsinghua University, the two went their separate ways.But this trip opened up the fate of this life for Yang Jiang.

Jiang Entian was very happy to see Yang Jiang. After some conversation, she found out that she came to Beijing to study, so she asked her why she didn't come to Tsinghua University. Yang Jiang originally liked Tsinghua University very much, but all the classmates and friends who came together chose Continue to study at Yenching University, and the relevant application procedures have almost been completed.Jiang Entian asked Yang Jiang to think about it again, and told Yang Jiang about the situation of Tsinghua University.

After the reunion, Sun Linglian went to Gu Yuetang to look for Yang Jiang, and his cousin accompanied him. After the meeting, Sun Linglian briefly introduced: "This is Yang Jikang." Then he pointed to his cousin: "This is my cousin Qian Zhong Shu." This was the first time they met.

Guyuetang is the female dormitory of Tsinghua University. At night, boys often stand in front of Guyuetang waiting for their girlfriends.At that time, Tsinghua University was no different from what it is now. There were more men than women, and women were all favored.Gu Yuetang does not have a reception room, so the boys stand at the door. No matter whether it is spring or winter, no matter whether it is cold or hot, one or two anxious figures can always be seen in front of Gu Yuetang, staring at the door eagerly, looking forward to the one who is calling for a long time. Call out.

A few years ago, Yang Jiang's parents took Yang Jiang to Qian Zhongshu's house to look at the house. The two did not know each other. If there was no fate, they might never see each other again in this lifetime.Several years later, a friend appeared in front of Yang Jiang with Qian Zhongshu, and smiled calmly at each other. It can only be said that Yuelao had tied a red thread around their ankles a long time ago, for fear that they would get lost in the vast crowd. Lost the direction, can't find the other party!

The two young teenagers had never been in a relationship before this meeting. Although they hardly spoke a word when they met, it seemed that a figure appeared in their hearts all of a sudden, and they could never forget it.

Jiang Entian helped Yang Jiang complete the procedures for studying at Tsinghua University, and even gave up her dormitory bed to Yang Jiang. Everything went through smoothly.

Later, both Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu inquired about each other with Sun Linglian, but Sun Linglian told Yang Jiang that Qian Zhongshu was engaged, and what he told Qian Zhongshu was that Yang Jiang had a boyfriend.

This is not Sun Linglian's nonsense, and there is a reason for it.Let's talk about Yang Jiang first. Sun Lingxian said that Yang Jiang's "boyfriend" is Fei Xiaotong, and the two have known each other for many years.

Fei Xiaotong was short and thin since he was a child, but he was very smart.In [-], the family moved to Suzhou. My mother was good friends with Wang Jiyu, the principal of Suzhou Zhenhua Girls' School at the time, so she thought of sending her son to study there.

At first Fei Xiaotong refused to go there because it was a girls' school, and he was afraid that his classmates would laugh at him.But his mother told him very sternly, not to discuss with him, so in the end Fei Xiaotong became the only boy in the girls' school at that time.

At that time, he was in the same class as Yang Jiang, and Yang Jiang, who had excellent academic performance, attracted this new boy.At that time, it was just a boy's good impression, and he didn't express it.Later, the two were admitted to Soochow University at the same time. The excellent Yang Jiang attracted the attention of many boys in the school, and Fei Xiaotong's feelings also changed subtly. Once, he announced in front of the male classmates who were pursuing Yang Jiang: "Yang Jikang and I are old classmates. I have known her for a long time. If you chase her, you have to follow my way."
Later, he began to actively pursue Yang Jiang, and people around him thought they were already in a relationship, because the two had known each other for many years and had similar conditions, so there was no reason not to be together.But in fact, Yang Jiang never admitted it.

The encounter with Qian Zhongshu made Yang Jiang feel moved. Even the family members said that this relationship was destined, saying: "Ah Ji's feet are tied with the red silk of the old man under the moon, so I only want to think about it." Tsinghua."
Let's talk about Qian Zhongshu's engagement. Sun Lingxian has an aunt far away, known as Mrs. Aunt Ye. The person who is engaged to Qian Zhongshu is Mrs. Ye's adopted daughter, named Ye Chongfan.In the past, Aunt Ye liked Qian Zhongshu's knowledge very much, so she recruited her as her son-in-law. The Qian family also agreed to this marriage, but Qian Zhongshu himself always disagreed.

After meeting Yang Jiang, Qian Zhongshu couldn't forget the girl who appeared. Even though he heard that she had a "boyfriend", he still wanted to ask her out to explain the matter face to face. After that, he wrote a letter and asked Yang Jiang Come to the I-shaped hall to meet.

In the first sentence they met, Qian Zhongshu said: "I'm not engaged." Yang Jiang said: "I don't have a boyfriend." These two sentences dispelled all their previous worries and opened up a new life.

Someone asked Yang Jiang, was he "falling in love at first sight" with Qian Zhongshu at that time?She replied: "Maybe there is love at first sight in the world, but I have no such experience."
In fact, Yang Jiang had heard about Qian Zhongshu long before she met Qian Zhongshu. When her good friend Jiang Entian, who was studying at Tsinghua University, wrote to her, she often mentioned this genius in the same class, saying that he was both smart and talented, and she was full of praise.

At that time, Qian Zhongshu was indeed very famous, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he was famous in Tsinghua University.Qian Zhongshu applied for the foreign language department of Tsinghua University, and his grades in Chinese and English were very good, but he only scored [-] points in mathematics.Originally, he did not meet the admission requirements, but the principal Luo Jialun loved talents and admitted him exceptionally. After he entered school, his studies were very good.Even the teacher does not regard him as a student, and often discusses topics with him. All this is due to his talent and his cultural background. He has published many articles in "Tsinghua Weekly". Such Qian Zhongshu There is still a bit of mystery in Yang Jiang's heart.

Later, Yang Jiang recalled the first time she met Qian Zhongshu in Gu Yuetang. She described him as "exquisite and exquisite", dressed in a green cloth coat, tall and thin, thick-soled cloth shoes, black-rimmed glasses, standard The appearance of a scholar.

She also knew "Miss Ye" who was engaged to Qian Zhongshu, and she had studied at Qiming before.Yang Jiang heard her eldest sister and third sister mention her, saying that she is good-looking, mischievous and loves to cause trouble, eats a lot, and can eat a lot in one meal. Once her adoptive mother, Mrs. Ye, went shopping and asked her to sit and wait. For a while, she actually ate a lot of ice cream, and she fell ill after eating it.Because of her large appetite, she got the nickname "rice bucket", which is similar to the reversed pronunciation of her name "Chongfan", so everyone started calling her.

She also always likes to do some outrageous things, such as dressing up as a boy, sneaking out of school, riding a bicycle around, and returning to school after having enough fun.

Based on her impressions of these two people, Yang Jiang felt that the mischievous Ms. Ye was not suitable for the frail Mr. Qian.

As for Qian Zhongshu's first impression of Yang Jiang, their daughter Qian Yuan asked her father. At that time, Yang Jiang went abroad for a visit, and only father and daughter were at home. Qian Yuan was curious about this matter for a long time, and finally caught him. When I had the opportunity, I asked: "Dad, we are the most "brothers", but tell me, you are short-sighted, how did you catch your mother at a glance?" The father said: "I think your mother is different."
Qian Yuan asked, "Why is it different?" His father stopped answering and just laughed.

Qian Zhongshu later wrote a special poem to commemorate their first meeting:
Valerian eyes look bright and recall the beginning, and the new rose petals are soaked.

I don't know when I washed my face when I was a child, I used to take safflower and Xuewu.

The first time I saw Yang Jiang in my memory, her face was white and ruddy, like a spring flower, elegant and refined, like a rose with new petals soaked, with a hint of shyness.Yang Jiang later had another explanation for this poem, saying: "Zhongshu's poems are easy to use allusions. The allusion of red flowers and snow in the fourth line of the poem comes from Cui's children's song of the Northern Qi Dynasty, which is about spring. Bai Xue, wash the baby's face with red flowers, hoping that the baby's face will look good when it grows up."
After the two people met, the two sentences dispelled their doubts, and they began a long-term correspondence. At the beginning, the two of them were what book you introduced to me, and I will introduce you to read another book, a bit like " The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water".

At that time, Qian Zhong wrote letters very frequently, almost guaranteeing one letter every day, a piece of letter paper, carrying the budding love.At that time, it was also convenient to send letters. There was a mailbox in the courtyard of Tsinghua University, and the letters would be delivered directly to the dormitories.The two would make appointments to walk around the campus together. At that time, the two were not very close, so they would not choose the paths that couples often go on dates, but go for a walk in places with spacious steps like the weather station.They walked peacefully like this, chatting shallowly, and there was endless happiness flowing in the quiet time.

Although Qian Zhongshu's poems were very good, Yang Jiang didn't write many letters. When Qian Zhongshu asked her why, she only replied that she didn't like writing letters.Qian Zhongshu didn't say anything more, but he complained in his heart that "Don't have a lot of words in the past, and you actually cherish ink and gold." Later, he wrote "The Besieged City" and included this emotion in it. Tang Xiaofu in "Fortress Besieged" doesn't like to write letters for this past event that she can't forget.

At that time, whether she was attending class or going to the library, or walking on campus with good friends, when she returned to the dormitory, Yang Jiang knew that there was a letter that belonged to her quietly waiting for her to open and read. This miss made Yang Jiang sure that she fell in love with him!

After the two confirmed their relationship, Fei Xiaotong came to Tsinghua University to find Yang Jiang and wanted to have a talk with her. Yang Jiang called two good friends to go with her.Before Fei Xiaotong always felt that he was the most suitable person to be her boyfriend, and he also directly expressed this meaning. He asked Yang Jiang: "Can we be friends?" Yang Jiang said: "Friend, yes, But friends are a purpose, not a transition; in other words, you are not my boyfriend, and I am not your girlfriend. If you want to say what you are saying now, we might as well break up."
Later, they did not break up, and became good friends.Once a Chinese social scientist visited the United States, Qian Zhongshu and Fei Xiaotong were traveling together, and they happened to be arranged in the same suite, and they became good friends.Qian Zhongshu wrote down a diary every day, and wanted to hand it over to Yang Jiang when they met in the future.Fei Xiaotong took the initiative to provide stamps and asked him to send them to Yang Jiang as a book.

Later, Qian Zhongshu also used what Zhao Xinmei and Fang Hongjian said in "The Besieged City" to Yang Jiang: "We are "sympathizers." Decades later, when the two talked about this matter bluntly, they just laughed it off. It's just a beautiful little thing in youth.

After Qian Zhongshu passed away, Fei Xiaotong also paid a special visit to Yang Jiang.At that time, Yang Jiang personally sent him downstairs, and said something meaningful: "The stairs are not easy to walk, so you don't have to "go up the stairs" in the future."
In the 90s of the twentieth century, Zhejiang Literature and Art Publishing House planned to publish a collection of essays by famous writers. They contacted Mr. Fei and told him that they wanted to publish a collection of essays including his essays. Together with the collections of Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang, they would make a series of essays. series of books.Fei Lao only said with emotion: "History is really wonderful!" Only the years are fleeting, youth is far away, and everything is wasted.

The two people used Yang Jiang's method to become the kind of "just friends" mentioned before, and the friendship between gentlemen was really as light as water. Later, the two still greeted and visited occasionally, which is the best way to deal with this matter Alright.

Everything in the world is finally put into flowing water, some are heavy and stagnant in the sand, some petals touch water, and then flow eastward.Youth contains all recklessness and frivolity, and when the gray hair is gray, it will be green and sad.On April 24, [-], Fei Xiaotong passed away.

A Pair of Famous Swords in Contemporary Chinese Literature

In Jin Yong's work "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", there is a pair of fairy couples, Huang Yaoshi and Ah Heng. The man is smart, proud and talented, and the woman is very smart with a photographic memory. Extremely Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu, the ending in the book is not happy, but in reality there are bumps and bumps, but it is more real.

Yang Jiang completed her fourth year of university on the campus of Tsinghua University. In her second semester of studying at Tsinghua University, she received a diploma from Soochow University and won the Golden Key Award.Later, she lamented that the biggest regret in her life was not studying at Tsinghua University as an undergraduate. She missed the heyday of Tsinghua University’s Department of Foreign Languages ​​in those few years. husband!"
However, this only last year also benefited Yang Jiang a lot. She chose many authoritative and weighty subjects at that time, for example, "Western Political History" by Jiang Tingfu, "Political and Economic History" by Pu Xuefeng, and "British Romantic Poets" by Wen Yuanning.Wen Yuanning is Qian Zhongshu's teacher. Knowing that Qian Zhongshu was talking about friends with Yang Jiang, he told his favorite student "pretty girls often have no brains".

Because once in his test, this "pretty girl" handed in a blank paper, which made Mr. Wen very dissatisfied.However, these "brainless" remarks did not affect Qian Zhongshu's feelings for Yang Jiang. He just liked this girl. When Mr. Wen learned that the two were going abroad, he sent them off.

After finishing this borrowing life, Qian Zhongshu suggested that she study for a period of time and pass the Tsinghua University graduate school, so that the two of them can continue to be classmates for another year.During the period, he also proposed to get engaged to Yang Jiang, but Yang Jiang refused. Although she also liked Qian Zhongshu, she was not in such a hurry to get engaged.

She wrote back to Qian Zhongshu, explaining that she was preparing to apply for the Graduate School of Tsinghua University, and needed to complete the knowledge she had learned in Tsinghua University's four-year undergraduate course, so she temporarily let go of this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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