Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 11 Autosuggestion: A Medium of Influence on the Subconscious

Chapter 11 Autosuggestion: A Medium of Influence on the Subconscious

Self-suggestion is actually a kind of self-control. Through self-suggestion, individuals can plant creative seeds of thought in the subconscious according to their will; it is also possible to allow destructive thoughts to grow and grow in this fertile soil of the mind due to neglect of management.

The term autosuggestion covers all suggestions and self-implemented stimuli that reach the brain through the five senses.In other words, autosuggestion is the suggestion given to oneself.It is a communication medium between the part of the brain that produces conscious thought and the part that produces subconscious action.

Through dominant thoughts (whether negative or positive) that arise in one's conscious mind, the principle of autosuggestion automatically communicates these thoughts to the subconscious mind, where it is influenced.

Except for thoughts from space, neither negative nor positive thoughts can enter the subconscious mind without the help of the principle of autosuggestion.In other words, all sensory impressions obtained through the five senses will stop in front of the conscious mind, and then either be passed on to the subconscious mind, or be shut out, the key depends on the individual's will.Therefore, the conscious mind is like the guard at the door, always monitoring and controlling the thoughts that enter the subconscious mind.

When the Creator created man, he allowed him to control the content reaching the subconscious mind through the five senses, which is the characteristic of man.But not everyone is comfortable exercising this control.On the contrary, in most cases people do not apply it, which is why many people live in poverty.

In retrospect, it feels like the subconscious mind is like fertile soil that, if not planted with the seeds of desirable crops, allows the fertile soil to overgrow with weeds.Self-suggestion is actually a kind of self-control. Through self-suggestion, individuals can plant creative seeds of thought in the subconscious according to their will; it is also possible to allow destructive thoughts to grow and grow in this fertile soil of the mind due to neglect of management.

In the chapter "Desire", we talked about the last step of the six steps - read aloud twice a day the dream you wrote down to desire money, and imagine and experience the feeling of having wealth!With these instructions, you will be able to communicate your desired object directly to your subconscious mind with full confidence.Repeat this process over and over again, and you will automatically form the habit of thinking that turns desire into the equivalent of wealth.

Before continuing, let's go back to the six steps mentioned in the article and read them carefully.Then, when you get to the "Cultural Planning" section, read through the four guiding requirements for organizing your "brain trust."Compare these two items with those set forth in Autosuggestion, and you will see that these requirements are quite relevant to the application of the principles of autosuggestion.

So remember, when reading your desire statement aloud (as you work to develop your "money awareness"), if you just read the words without incorporating the meaning into your emotions or emotions, you will like water off a duck's back.If you repeat Emile Coué's famous quote "Every day, I try to make myself better and better" a million times, without any emotion and confidence mixed in, then you will not experience any valid effect.Your subconscious mind is able to recognize thoughts that are integrated with emotions or feelings and do only what those thoughts call for.

This point is so important that it is necessary to repeat it in every chapter. It is precisely because most people lack an understanding of this basic point that the principle of autosuggestion cannot be used to the desired effect.

The subconscious mind cannot be affected by bland, emotionless words and phrases.If you don't instill your subconscious mind with passionate and confident thoughts or audible words, you won't get the desired results.

And don't be discouraged if you don't succeed in controlling and directing your emotions on the first try.Remember, there is no such thing as a free lunch.Even if you really want to, don't lie to yourself.The price of influencing the subconscious ability is the consistent application of the principles mentioned in this article.If the price is small, you can't get the ability you want.You, and only you, can decide how much effort it takes to reap the rewards (i.e. your money sense) and whether it's worth it.

"Intelligence" and "smartness" alone will not attract and keep money at all in most cases.Only in a few cases does the law of averages create the conditions for attracting money through these two things.The method of attracting money described here does not depend on the law of averages, and it does not favor anyone in particular.Everyone has access to the same effect of the application.If it fails, it is everyone who implements the behavior that fails, not the method itself.If you keep trying and failing, you should keep at it until you finally succeed.

Your ability to use the principle of autosuggestion depends largely on your ability to focus on an existing desire until it becomes a lingering urge.

When you follow the prompts to start implementing the six steps described in the article, it is necessary to use the principle of focus.

Here we offer some suggestions for using your mindfulness effectively.When you begin the first of the six steps, which asks you to "determine in your mind the exact amount of money you want," focus your thoughts on that amount with concentration or close your eyes until I can actually see the money.Do it at least once a day.As you practice, imagine yourself actually having that much money, following the instructions in Belief!
Here is an important fact-the subconscious mind will accept any instructions conveyed to it in a state of absolute confidence. Of course, these instructions often need to be presented over and over again before the subconscious mind can accept them.In this light, a reasonable "trick" on the subconscious mind can be considered.Because you firmly believe in yourself, you can convince your subconscious mind that you must have the wealth you imagined, and believe that this wealth is waiting for you to possess.In this way, the subconscious mind will naturally give you a specific plan to obtain the ideal wealth.

Communicate to your imagination the ideas presented in the previous paragraph, and see how the imagination responds to fulfill the desires of your heart and allow you to formulate workable plans for accumulating wealth.

Do not wait for a definite plan to earn money according to the method of providing services or selling goods according to the plan, but immediately see yourself already enjoying these wealth, and at the same time expect and ask the subconscious mind to come up with a plan or plans.Keep an eye on these plans and act on them as soon as they appear.Plans may come in the form of a sixth sense, a flash of "inspiration" that pops into your head.This inspiration can be seen as a direct signal from "Infinite Intelligence".At this time, you must pay attention to these signals, and respond immediately when you receive inspiration or intuition.Failure to do so can be fatal to success.

The fourth of the six steps requires you to "make a definite plan for realizing your dream, and then start executing it immediately."You should approach this instruction with the attitude mentioned in the previous paragraph.In the process of fulfilling your desires, make plans to accumulate wealth without trusting your "reason."Because your intellect can be lazy at times, you might be disappointed if you rely entirely on it.

When you see the wealth you want in your mind (close your eyes and imagine), try to see yourself doing the service to get it, seeing yourself selling the goods.this point is very important!
By choosing to read this book, you are in a desperate search for knowledge, and you are a beginner on the subject of success.If you are just a student, you have the opportunity to learn a lot that you don't know, but you can only learn knowledge if you study with humility.If you decide to follow the instructions below, but ignore or refuse to follow the others, you will not succeed either!If you want to get satisfactory results, you must have the confidence to win and follow all the instructions in the text.

Now, we summarize the instructions mentioned in the text related to the six steps, together with the principles outlined in this chapter, as follows:
First, go to a place where you will not be distracted or interrupted (preferably in bed at night before going to sleep), close your eyes, and read aloud (so that you have the possibility to hear your own voice) as you write Under the statement, read the amount of money you dream of and the duration and price of wealth, including services provided and goods sold.As you carry out this instruction, imagine that you already have this much money.

For example, suppose you plan to have $5 by January 1, 1 years from now, and you plan to be a salesperson to get this money through the services you provide.So, your self-goal statement should read like this:
"I have $1 by January 1 of a certain year. During this time, I have to accumulate different amounts of money step by step.

To this end, I want to be a salesperson as much as possible to provide customers with the most effective, maximum, and best service (outline the service or product you intend to provide).

I believe that I can have this money.I am full of confidence, as if the money is right in front of my eyes, within reach.In order to get it, I have to pay a certain price, as long as I provide the customer with the service they need, then I will immediately see the same proportional return.I'm waiting for a plan to get this money, and as soon as I find it, I'll act. "

Second, repeat the above process every morning and evening until you can "see" the wealth in your imagination.

Third, put this statement where you will see it morning and night, and read it aloud before bed and when you wake up until it is firmly in your mind.

Remember that when you carry out these instructions, you are applying the principle of autosuggestion for the purpose of giving orders to the subconscious mind.Also, remember that your subconscious mind only works on emotionally charged instructions and instructions delivered "from your heart."Faith is the strongest and most effective emotion.Follow the instructions given in the "Beliefs" chapter.

At first, these instructions may seem abstract, but don't be distracted.No matter how abstract and impractical, follow through.If you do exactly what you are instructed to do not only mentally but also physically, you will see a whole new world.

It is human nature to be skeptical of all new concepts.However, if you follow the above instructions, your doubts will be replaced by confidence, which will soon be transformed into confidence.At this time, you will proudly say: "I am the master of my own destiny, I am the helmsman of the soul!"

Many philosophers have said that people are masters of their own destiny, but most of them have not explained why people are masters of themselves.This chapter thoroughly explains why people can dominate their own destiny, especially economic destiny.People can become their own masters and decide the surrounding environment because they have the power to influence the subconscious mind, and through this kind of domination and control, they can cooperate with "infinite wisdom".

The content of this chapter represents the foundation of the philosophy of success.Successful conversion of desire into money requires a thorough understanding and consistent practical application of the instructions and requirements outlined in this chapter.

The practical process of converting desire into money involves the application of the principles of autosuggestion.Autosuggestion is a medium for people to touch and influence their subconscious mind, and other principles are just tools to help people use the principle of autosuggestion.Keeping this in mind, whenever you realize that an important part of the principle of autosuggestion is that using the methods in this book can help you realize your dream of accumulating wealth.

Carry out these instructions as if you were a tender child, infusing the practical endeavor with childlike confidence.The author is very concerned about whether he has mixed unrealistic demands in the text, because he sincerely hopes to help readers.

After you have finished reading this book, please come back to this chapter and follow the instructions below with your heart and hands.

Read this chapter aloud every night until you are convinced that the principle of Autosuggestion is trustworthy and that it can help you achieve all your dreams.When reading aloud, underline each important sentence or word that is helpful to you.

By strictly following the above instructions, you will be able to fully understand and master the laws of success.

(End of this chapter)

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