Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 2 Author Preface

Chapter 2 Author Preface (2)
How do I know this?Before reading this book, you will be able to find the answer, maybe in the front, maybe in the back.At the request of Mr. Carnegie, I devoted myself to research for 20 years and analyzed the successful experience of countless celebrities.Many of them admit that it is under the guidance of Mr. Carnegie's secret that they have achieved their current achievements and wealth.The names of some successful people are selected as follows:

Henry Ford William Wrigley Jr.
John Wanamaker James J. Hill
George S. Parker E. M. Statler
Henry L. Dougherty Cyrus H.K. Curtis

George Eastman Theodore Roosevelt
John W. Davies Albert Hubbard
Wilbur Wright William Jennings Bryan
Dr. David Star Jordan J. Ojyan Armor
Charles M. SchwabHarris F. Williams
Dr. Frank Gonzalas Daniel Willard
Kim Gillette Ralph A. Weeks

Judge Daniel T. Wright John D. Rockefeller
Thomas A. Edison Frank A. Vanderlip
Colonel F. W. Woolworth Robert A. Doral

Edward A. Fallin Edwin C. Barnes

Arthur Brisbane Woodrow Wilson

William Howard Taft Luther Burbank

Edward W. Bork Frank A. Muncy
Dr. Albert H. Gary Alexander Graham Bell
John H. Paterson Julius Rosenwald

Dr. Stuart Austin Will Frank Crane

George M. Alexander J.G. Chaplin

Senator Jennings Randolph Sir Arthur Nash
These names are just a few of the hundreds of famous people in the United States, whether in terms of personal wealth or other achievements, it is proved that understanding and applying Carnegie's secret of success has helped them reach the pinnacle of life.I have never heard of a man who, having been instructed in this secret and put it into practice, failed to achieve anything in his chosen trade.I have never seen anyone get ahead and accumulate wealth without using this secret.These two facts lead us to conclude that the secrets of success are more important than what is commonly called "education" as part of the essential knowledge of self-determination.

So, what is "education"?This book provides a detailed answer to this question.Since people care about school education, almost none of these people have received school education.John Wanamaker once told me that he had little education and that he acquired knowledge like an advanced locomotive water tank, which can be scooped in when it is about to run out. way to continuously replenish new energy sources.Henry Ford never even went to high school, let alone a college education.I do not mean to belittle the value of school education, but to express my sincere belief that those who master and apply this secret of success will eventually reach the pinnacle of their careers and accumulate A lot of wealth, become your own master.

In the process of reading, as long as you are prepared for this, the secret of success will jump out from between the lines and on the paper somewhere.You'll be sure to recognize it when it appears.Whether you receive this signal in the front or behind, as soon as you see it, stop and think about it, and take off the glasses that block your vision, because this moment is the most important turning point in your life.

We're about to jump right in to the story of my dearest friend, who candidly confessed to having seen that magic signal, and whose remarkable accomplishments are proof that he really saw the secret.When you read his story, or read someone else's, please don't forget that they are dealing with major life events that all of us have to go through.All questions come to the fore when one struggles to make a living, to find hope and courage, to find fulfillment and peace, to accumulate wealth, and to enjoy physical and mental freedom.

As you read through this book, it is important to keep in mind that what is contained in this book is fact, not fiction. Its purpose is to provide a universal truth for those who are What to do, how to do it, and be inspired and motivated to take the first steps towards success.

Before you start reading, please allow me to make a small suggestion, which may help you understand the secret of Mr. Carnegie.That's it - all achievement, all hard earned wealth, all started with one idea!If you're ready to explore the secret, you basically already have half of it, and when the other half comes to mind, you're sure to recognize it right away.

How to read and use this book

What do you want most in life - money, fame, power, contentment, personality, peace of mind, happiness?The 13 steps to getting rich introduced in this book provide people with the simplest and most reliable philosophy of success, and those men, women and children who are looking for a clear goal in life will benefit a lot from it.

Before you start reading this book, you'd better understand that these contents are not intended to entertain the public, and you will not be able to fully digest them in a week or a month.After reading the book thoroughly, Thomas A. Edison's longtime collaborator Dr. Miller Rhys Hutchison, also known as a consulting engineer, once said: "This is not a novel, it is a The instruction manual on the road to success is full of many experiences and experiences of the most successful people in the United States, and it is worthy of serious study, comprehension and reflection."

Readers and friends are requested to read at most one chapter every night, and it is best to highlight those impressive sentences so that they can be read and remembered in the future.A real student will not just stop at reading this book, he must be able to deeply comprehend and master the gold-like precious content in it, and transform it into his own thoughts.This book should be included in the collection of all secondary schools and included in the teaching content, and students who fail the examination should not be awarded a diploma.Although the ideas and concepts in this book cannot replace the current teaching content in various schools, they can enable students to better sort out and apply the knowledge they have learned, apply what they have learned more effectively, and fully comprehend it more quickly.Dr. John R. Turner, Dean of the City College of New York, said after reading this book: "Your son's personal experience has verified the reasonable rigor of this philosophy. Readers and friends will learn about Blair's amazing story in this article." Dr. Na recommended the author's son—he was born with abnormal hearing, but he used the philosophical ideas introduced in this book, not only avoiding becoming a deaf-mute, but also converting this natural obstacle into a priceless wealth.After knowing his story, you will realize that you are gradually mastering a philosophical thought that can be transformed into material wealth, or realize that it will make you easily obtain peace of mind, harmony in spirit and full of wisdom, etc., as the author Like your son, it can also help you overcome physical problems.

By analyzing the experience and characteristics of hundreds of successful people, the author also found that almost all of them follow the habit of changing their ideas and ideas, and achieve their personal goals by means of what people often call meetings.When they encounter a difficult problem to solve, they usually sit down together to share their views and brainstorm until they find a win-win solution.After reading this book, you will benefit greatly after practicing the principles of the think tank introduced in it.Like others who have successfully used this principle, you can also practice it by forming a study club, bringing together people who are friendly, friendly, and eager to join.The club should hold regular meetings, preferably once a week.It is best to insist on reading a chapter in each meeting, and then organize all members to discuss according to the reading content.Each member should take good notes and write down all the inspirations and ideas generated by the brainstorming.Each member should read carefully and analyze the content of each chapter in detail a few days before group reading and participating in club brainstorming.When reading collectively in the club, those who have strong reading ability, strong comprehension ability, and strong emotional expression ability should be selected for reading.Under the guidance of this plan, every reader will gain a lot from the reading content, not only the various experiences and lessons summed up by hundreds of successful people with their own experiences, but more importantly, it will also open the horizons of their own thinking and understanding. A new source of invaluable knowledge from each paradigm.If you can follow and stick to this plan, you will be able to uncover and properly apply the secret formula of Andrew Carnegie's great wealth that the author points out in the introduction.


(End of this chapter)

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