Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 4 Preface

Chapter 4 Preface (2)
Mr. Darby said: "Every time when a customer wants to politely refuse me and express unwillingness to buy insurance, I will see that little girl standing at the door of the dilapidated mill, with a pair of big eyes shining with unyielding light. .So I said to myself, 'I've got to sell this policy.' Most of the insurance sales I've done have basically been signed after someone said 'no.'”

He also thought of the time when he was only three feet away from the gold mine and gave up his efforts and fell short. "However," he said, "that experience was actually a good thing. It taught me that no matter how difficult the situation is, I must persevere. I must accept and learn this lesson before I can succeed."

Many people who sell insurance for a living will read about Mr. Darby, his uncle and sharecropper's daughter, and the gold mines.The author wishes to remind them that Darby was able to sell more than $100 million in life insurance annually because of these two experiences.

Life is full of strange things, often unexpected!Both success and failure have their simple origins.Mr. Darby's experience is ordinary and simple, but it contains the answer to the purpose of life.So these two experiences were as important to Darby as life itself.The reason why he can benefit from these two incidents is that he can analyze and summarize them and draw lessons from them.But what about those who have neither the time nor the inclination to learn from failure and find the true meaning of success?Where do they go to learn, and how do they turn defeat into victory?

To answer these questions, this book was born.

The answer to this question lies in the description of the 13 principles.Remember, though, that as you read, the answer to the question that prompts you to ponder the wonders of life may be in your head, in some idea, some plan, or some purpose that pops up as you read.

To be successful, people must have a correct idea.The principles described in this book encompass the methods and means for producing such effective, practical ideas.Before describing these principles any further, you should hear this important note—wealths start to come with such speed and magnitude that one wonders if, in the days of penury, they were all Where did you hide?This statement is surprising, especially when you consider the common saying that "wealth only comes to those who work hard and strive tirelessly".

When you start thinking about getting rich, you will find that getting rich begins with a purposeful mind-set that requires little hard work at all.Like everyone, you've wondered how to have the mindset to attract wealth.I have spent 25 years researching the root of getting rich and analyzing more than 25000 successful people, because I also want to know "how the rich get rich".

Without such research, this book would not have been possible.Please pay attention to a very important fact - the Great Depression began in 1929, continued to develop into unprecedented catastrophe, and did not end until President Roosevelt entered the White House.After that, the depression gradually disappeared without a trace.Just as the electrician in a theater turns on the lights one by one, turning them into light before realizing the darkness, so the word "fear" will gradually fade in the human mind and turn into belief.

Take a closer look: Once you grasp these philosophical principles and start following them, your financial situation will improve and everything you touch will help build your wealth.Do you think it is impossible?It's entirely possible!
One of the major weaknesses of human nature is to say the three words "impossible" too often.We know all the principles that don't work, all the things that don't work.This book is designed to help those who seek the principles of success and do whatever it takes to practice them.

Years ago, I bought a fancy dictionary.Once I got it, the first thing I did was turn to the page where the word "impossible" was and neatly cut it out of the dictionary.It shouldn't be unwise for you to do such a thing!
Success will only come to those who have a successful mind.Failure favors those who allow themselves to have the thought of failure and do nothing about it.

This book is designed to help all those who are looking for successful thoughts, for the art of thought transformation, for those who are willing to turn the consciousness of failure into the consciousness of success.

Another weakness of human nature is the habit of using one's own impressions and concepts to evaluate other people and other things.Seeing this, some people may think that it is impossible for anyone to get rich by thinking.Because their habits of thought have been fixed in poverty, desire, misery, failure and pain, they cannot imagine the definition of wealth.These unfortunate people remind me of a Chinese who came to the United States to receive a Western education, and he studied at the University of Chicago.President Harper met the young man on campus one day, stopped to chat with him for a few minutes, and asked him what struck him most about the distinctive character of the American.The Chinese student replied: "Why do you ask this? You always look sideways at people, it's too prejudice!" How should we respond to the Chinese student's answer?We deny that which we do not understand.We foolishly think our limitations are normal.Of course, other people may also be prejudiced at times, because they are not like us after all.

Many people looked at Henry Ford's achievements, and after his success, people became jealous and attributed everything to his luck.Perhaps one out of every 10 people can really understand the mystery of Mr. Ford's success, and these people who really understand his mystery are so humble and unwilling to tell the whole thing, because they think the mystery is too simple to be worth mentioning.One little thing is enough to perfectly reveal this secret to the masses.

A few years later, Ford decided to make the famous V-8 car, intending to assemble a built-in 8-cylinder engine first, and let engineers design it first.However, after the blueprints were completed, the engineers agreed that it was impossible to fit 8 cylinders in one engine.

Ford said: "The assembly must be completed anyway!" The engineers replied: "However, this is impossible at all!" Ford continued to order them: "Keep working hard, don't do anything else until you make it, No matter how long it takes!" the engineers had to keep working.If they wanted to stay and work in Ford's company, they had no choice but to carry out Ford's orders.Six months passed with no progress.Another six months passed, and still no progress.Engineers tried every conceivable solution, and the result was "impossible".At the end of the year, when Ford came to inspect their work, the engineers still told him that the task could not be completed.Ford said: "Then keep working hard, I must have such an engine, I want to have it!"

So, the engineers continued to work hard, and then, as if by a miracle, they found the secret to accomplish the task.

Ford's determination beat the odds again!The details of the story are scant, but the gist has been summed up.It can be deduced from this that anyone who wishes to become rich by thinking can, if he will, discover the secret in Ford's journey to become a millionaire.You don't have to rack your brains at all.

Henry Ford succeeded because he knew how to master and apply the laws of success.One of the laws is desire - knowing what you really want.As you read this book, keep Ford's story in mind, find the key factors in his success, and highlight those statements.If you can do this, if you are prepared to find out the laws of Henry Ford's fortune, then you can also achieve the same success as him in the industry for which you are suitable.

You are the ruler of destiny and the controller of the heart

When Henry wrote the famous line "I am the master of my fate, I am the commander of my soul", he should also tell us that because we have the ability to control our thoughts, we are the master of our own destiny and the commander of our soul .

He should tell us that the reason why there are small planets floating in the universe, and we can move and survive in the atmosphere, is mainly because everything appears in the form of energy vibrating at a high speed, and its speed is far beyond people's imagination, which is a bit incredible .The universe is permeated with a form of universal energy which automatically adjusts itself to the nature of thought in the minds of men, and which also influences thought in a natural way to transform it into an equivalent physical form.

If the poet has expressed this great truth, then we should understand why man is the master of his own destiny and the commander of the soul.He should also emphasize that this power makes it impossible to distinguish destructive thoughts from constructive ones; it also prompts us to transform poor thoughts into realities as well as rich ones.

The poet should also tell us that the consciousness that governs our actions magnetizes the brain, that these "magnets" draw us in unfamiliar ways to forces, people, and circumstances that align with our own thoughts.

He should have told us that before we can accumulate a lot of wealth, we must strengthen our ideology with a strong desire to acquire wealth, we must arm ourselves with "money consciousness" until the strong desire prompts us to formulate a definite plan for acquiring wealth.However, Henry is a poet, not a philosopher, so he can only convey this great truth in the form of verse, so that all followers can experience the philosophy for themselves.

People gradually began to understand this truth, and it was even explicitly pointed out in this book, revealing to all readers the secret of controlling economic destiny.

Now let's look at the first of these principles.As you read this book, keep an open mind and mind, and remember that these principles are not the invention of one person, but the personal experience of more than 500 successful people.Most of them are self-made, with neither prominent family background nor higher education.But they all benefit from these principles of getting rich, and you can use them to build your own wealth, too.You will find that wealth is easy to come by, and it will take a lot of trouble.

Before you start reading the next chapter, I want you to understand that this chapter has real information that can actually change your financial situation, because it has already made an amazing difference for the two people profiled in it.

I also want you to understand that the relationship between these two people and me is extraordinary, and I couldn't change reality even if I wanted to.Among them, one is my closest friend for 25 years; the other is my dearest son.Their remarkable success is a testament to the ubiquitous power of this principle, all thanks to the principles described in the next chapter.

Some 15 years ago, when I gave a commencement address at Salem University in Salem, West Virginia, emphasizing the importance of the principle described in the next chapter, a member of my graduating class was determined to Apply this principle and make it part of your philosophy of life.The young man is now a member of Congress and a key figure in Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration.Just before the publication of this book, he wrote me a letter in which he articulated his views on the principles presented in the next chapter.In order to introduce the next chapter, I am posting his letter here:

Dear Mr. Napoleon:

My work as a member of Congress has brought me into contact with all kinds of people, and given me the opportunity to discover what is wrong with them, so I would like to write to you with a little advice to help all those who should be helped.

I am sorry to say that this is only a suggestion and that it will take years of hard work and responsibility for you if it is to be implemented, but I know how passionately you are doing it with all your love, That's why I mustered up the courage to make this suggestion.

When you gave your commencement speech at Salem University in 1992, I was just a graduate sitting in the audience.In your speech, you planted in my mind an idea that gave me the opportunity to pursue a career of national service, and that if I ever achieve anything in the future, I must owe it to this idea.

My suggestion is that I hope that by editing your speech at Salem University into a forthcoming book, I will give the American people a chance to win wealth with the help of you and those who have made America truly the richest and most powerful nation on Earth. The experience of people in China has made the new generation of young people rich.

Looking back, it seems like I listened to your speech yesterday.You vividly describe the story of Henry Ford, a man with no money, no powerful friends, and even little education, who achieved great achievement and wealth.I have made up my mind since then, and even before your speech is over, I think that no matter what difficulties I encounter, I must overcome them.

Thousands more students will leave campus this year, and many more will leave campus in the years to come.They also need the same help as I got. They want to know where they should go, how to start their careers, and how to face their future life.You can tell them because you've helped so many people with problems like this.

If it is possible, you can provide such a great service, I suggest that you add a personal analysis chart in each book, so that readers who buy this book can fully understand and discover themselves, just like I learned from you back then. Get the same advice to understand what the key to success is.

Such as providing readers with a complete, unbiased chart, making its advantages and disadvantages clear at a glance, and then understanding what obstacles exist between success and failure.This service must be invaluable.A lot of people are facing the question of how to make a comeback right now, and from my personal experience, I'm sure these people are desperate for the opportunity to tell you about the real problem they're facing, and they want to get advice from you.

You know what's wrong with people who need to start all over again.Thousands of contemporary Americans want to know how to turn ideas into money, and most of them have nothing and no financial basis.If anyone can help them, it's you.

If you will publish this book, I will definitely buy a copy signed by you immediately after publication.

sincerest blessings

Jennings Randolph
(End of this chapter)

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