Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 102 The Rebellious Girl

Chapter 102 The Rebellious Girl

Zuo Zhe glared at him, crossed his side and rushed out of the building to look for Ye Ziye.

He asked her to wait for him, but she ran away while he walked into the bathroom.

What if something happens to her?

How would he explain to Yan Xiaozhu, and how would he explain to the organization?
And in the deepest part of his heart, he is not easy to explain to himself, why should he explain to himself?
He didn't have time to figure out why he was in such a mess.

It seemed that after the battle at the foot of the mountain, her position in his heart became different.

Soon Zuo Zhe found Ye Ziye with her head bowed in front of the bus stop. She was holding her backpack in both hands, staring blankly at the ground.

She is 170 cm tall, wearing a white long-sleeved school uniform, an ultra-short plaid school uniform skirt, and standing straight with beautiful white legs.

The severe winter sunset shines on her short dark hair, fluttering with the gentle cold wind.

The handsome and beautiful side cheek lines reveal a rebellious personality.

Ye Ziye looks more neutral and beautiful. With long hair, she is a flamboyant and wild girl, while with short hair, she is a rebellious and unruly tomboy.

No matter how she dresses up, she is a wicked and rebellious girl.

Zuo Zhe sighed softly and walked towards her: "Midnight!"

He watched her raise her head in astonishment, her dark eyes, her face flushed by the sunset, and her thin but extremely delicious lips.

For no reason, seeing her like this, Zuo Zhe's heartbeat speeded up inexplicably.

This was an unprecedented situation, which made him very puzzled.

Suddenly Ye Ziye covered his nose with his hands, and suddenly sneezed a few times.

The north wind suddenly turned last night, and she was still wearing a crisp autumn school uniform, so it's no wonder she didn't sneeze.

Zuo Zhe stretched out his hand and hugged her into his arms without any objection, and took her backpack with the other hand, the stern expression on his face softened a lot: "Let's go, I'll take you home."

"I can go back by myself." She stood still, stretched out her hand to remove the arm on her shoulder, and then snatched back her own backpack.

His arm was firmly on her shoulder again, and the other hand changed to lightly pinch her stubborn chin: "Do you want me to carry you away?"

His tone and expression were extremely dangerous and evil.

The four eyes glared at each other, she was stubborn, and he was even more stubborn than her.

Zuo Zhe's cold and stern eyes frightened her, and she finally frowned and pressed her lips tightly, letting him hug her and head to the underground parking garage of the shopping mall.

(End of this chapter)

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