Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 104 Replaced with foreign imports?

Chapter 104 Replaced with foreign imports?

Zuo Zhe quickly found the following vehicle, and he sneered with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "It seems that Shang Jin is getting impatient."

Ye Ziye looked in the rear mirror: "What should we do now?"

He asked a question that didn't answer: "What do you say?"

"Of course they won't be followed."

Zuo Zhe drove the car into another road, the opposite lane to Ye Ziye's home. He couldn't take the risk of letting the people of Loyalty Church know the address of her home, in case they seek revenge in the future.

He picked a dark alley and drove into it, and after turning two turns, he braked and stopped in the middle of the alley.

He took out a nunchaku from the drawer and told her at the same time: "Stay in the car and don't get out."

She volunteered and called, "I can help you."

"It's enough for me alone." After getting out of the car, he closed the anti-theft lock of the sports car, and then slowly walked to the rear of the car to meet the two trucks coming in.

Obviously, the opponent was overwhelmed and did not get out of the car to fight.

Zuo Zhe yelled: "Is this the only thing that is so good about the Jiulang rice bag raised by Zhongyi Tang?"

He could have raced to get rid of them, but considering that the two gangs were about to go to war, it was not an option for these gangsters to follow him.

Maybe giving them a big shot can scare them away temporarily, in exchange for a few days of peace.

Finally, there was movement from the other party. Several big men in black suits got out of the car, and they all turned out to be burly foreign men.

Now Zuo Zhe was stunned. When will the thugs of Zhongyi Hall be replaced by foreign imports?

The blue-eyed man standing at the front spoke fluent English: "We're looking for Monica."

"Monica!?" Zuo Zhe was even more stunned. Did the other party stare at the wrong person: "There is no Monica here."

The big man pointed at Zuo Zhe's sports car and said in blunt Chinese, "We're looking for Nie Xiwei."

"Nie Xiwei!?" The name was unfamiliar, but Zuo Zhe quickly remembered that Ye Ziye's mother called her Xi Wei.

When he was at the airport, he used to tease her: it didn't matter if her name was Ye Xiwei or Ye Ziye.

Is the surname Nie mispronounced?Did you mean Ye Xiwei?

After all, Nie and Ye have similar pronunciations.

At this time, Ye Ziye got off the car and said something surprising: "They are looking for me, unexpectedly they came after me from the United States!"

The sturdy man had a serious and staid face, and said in a businesslike tone, "Monica, please return to the United States with us."

(End of this chapter)

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