Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 111 I'm afraid I will call Mrs. Zhe in the future

Chapter 111 I'm afraid I will call Mrs. Zhe in the future

Zuo Zhe finally came to his senses, because his back was facing Ye Ziye's direction, so the five young men stared at her.

Ye Ziye stroked his belly and said to him, "Zuo Zhe, I'm hungry."

Zuo Zhe withdrew his slightly stunned expression, and pointed in the direction of the kitchen lightly: "There are white porridge and noodles in it, you can take whatever you want."

The dinner he prepared specially for her.

So Ye Ziye put the backpack on the sofa, and walked into the kitchen under everyone's surprised eyes.

"Hey, who is this?" Shan Nantao, the computer technology director of Baihutang.

He pointed at the back figure that floated into the kitchen with trembling fingers. Except for Qin Yi and Jiang Yaoyao, this was the first time he saw the opposite sex that could appear in Zuo Zhe's house.

One can imagine how frightened he was.

Qin Jun chuckled: "I'm afraid I will be called Mrs. Zhe in the future."

Last night when he met Ye Ziye, he rushed away with hickey marks all over his neck, and Zuo Zhe chased him in disheveled clothes.

And Ye Ziye is already sleeping in Zuo Zhe's bedroom tonight.

Zuo Zhe stared at Qin Jun, and continued to return to the topic of attacking the main hall of Zhongyi Hall: "Their main hall was attacked, and the sauna center should send reinforcements soon. Zhang Biao is responsible for stopping their reinforcements... cough cough Cough, everyone pay attention to what I have to say."

Helplessly, everyone's attention has been focused on the beauty in the kitchen, who is most likely the wife of the future young master.

"What's that?" Soon Ye Ziye came out of the kitchen holding a soup bowl, and squatted beside Zuo Zhe to study the three-dimensional diagram on the tablet.

It was a structural drawing of a five-story building.

So everyone's attention was once again on her and Zuo Zhe.

"We will attack Loyalty Hall tomorrow night." Zuo Zhe moved his position and let her squeeze in.

Qin Jun looked at Zuo Zhe in surprise. This is a highly confidential matter, and he actually said it in a casual tone?

Only the five of them in the entire Baihutang know the detailed annihilation plan. Even if they bring them tomorrow night, they will only tell them at dusk tomorrow.

She bit the noodles and replied, "I'll go too."

How can such a fun thing not have her share?
Zuo Zhe decisively agreed: "Okay."

"This, what's the situation?" Shan Nantao shouted: "She is not from our Baihutang, how can she go with her?"

Zhang Biao and Zhang Xiao were already in a daze, unable to speak.

Only Qin Jun comforted the irritable Shan Nantao with understanding: "Don't you understand? She is one of us."

(End of this chapter)

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