Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 113 This Gun Is Just For Your Self-Defense

Chapter 113 This Gun Is Just For Your Self-Defense
No matter how helpless it is, the day slips by silently, ushering in the night full of dangers.

After eleven o'clock in the evening, Ye Ziye climbed out from the window on the second floor, got into Zuo Zhe's sports car at the intersection and left, followed by Yan Xiaozhu's sports car.

Because Zuo Zhe's Lamborghini is known to everyone in the gang, he changed to ride a heavy locomotive on the way.

When changing cars in the underground parking lot, he dragged her to a dark corner and took out a pistol from his back waist.

To make a long story short: "Open the safety first, aim at the target and pull the trigger, there will be recoil rebound, and it will be more stable to hold it with the other hand."

He demonstrated to her, holding the gun with his right hand, lightly supporting the chassis with his left hand, and aiming forward with his head slightly sideways.

Ye Ziye looked at him, then looked at the firearm in his hand, and asked him with a stern face: "Does everyone wear firearms?"

In other words, is there a scene of gunfire and chaos.

"No, this gun is only for your self-defense." Time was running out, and he asked her to demonstrate the movements he had just taught.

In fact, she didn't use a gun every time. In the bank robbery in the United States, their group of robbers were armed with AK47 rifles, which were more lethal than Zuo Zhe's pistol.

Zuo Zhe nodded and boasted: "It has great potential."

She just smiled and didn't speak. She didn't want to explain many things to him. Anyway, China is not a place for her to stay for a long time.

She snapped back the safety on the pistol and put the gun in her backpack.

This unintentional movement caught Zuo Zhe's sharp eyes, and he remembered that he didn't teach her to put the safety catch back.

It seems that Ye Ziye has a lot of unknown places, which are worth exploring.

The back door of the main hall of Loyalty Hall.

Zuo Zhe flashed in with Ye Ziye and four bodyguards. At this time, Shan Nantao had already connected to the Internet with a computer, and cut off the anti-theft locks of the entire building and blocked the security monitoring system in advance.

A group of six people worked separately on the first floor, and a group of two searched for Shang Jin's location room by room.

They were all wearing cotton hats with visors, only showing a pair of black eyes.

There is only one security guard on duty in the monitoring room on the first floor, and the others go to inspect.

Their targets are the chief hall master Peng Xiong and the deputy hall master Shang Jin of Loyalty Hall.

[Dear readers in the book city, the twentieth watch still called me slow.There are not many people who update [-] in Tencent every day.Cherish and be grateful for such a good day, because my manuscripts will be finished soon, and there will be no song "Twenty Chapters Daily" by then.In addition, a few words are attached, friends who use mobile phones can use UC browser to access Tencent.com, I will update it immediately, and you will watch it immediately, and it will never feel slow.The only thing that is slow is the update speed of the book city. 】

(End of this chapter)

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