Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 118 2 Shem 1: My Surname Is Not Nie

Chapter 118 2 Shem 1: My Surname Is Not Nie ([-])

Flash forward means: flash back to something that happened in the past.

"<"[China 13 Years Ago]">".
Since she was born, Nie Xiwei never had the chance to say her father's name.

Because Nie Fan no longer lives with Ye Guya, the business of the Nie Group is growing day by day, and he always travels around the world.

Even when he was in China, he would only stay in the Nie Mansion to accompany his son Nie Xichen.

Ye Guya's parents were very angry about her having a daughter out of wedlock, and once kicked her out of the house, and refused to see each other ever since.

Nie Fan arranged for her to live in the villa in the Xiao District, and hired three servants to take care of her around the clock.

Nie Xiwei's body has been very thin and sick since he was born. The family doctor of Nie's family, Zhao Ning, came to check up almost twice a week.

Since the age of three, he has received a series of functional training, including two martial arts, Taekwondo and Muay Thai.

Walking out of the taekwondo room that day, she went straight to Ye Guya's room. She had good news to tell her mother, the instructor said that she had solid basic skills and could get a white belt in taekwondo.

When she ran to the door of the room, she heard a slight sobbing sound, which was too familiar to her when she was young.

Ever since she was sensible, she would always hear her mother weeping sadly while hiding in the room.

And whenever she went in to inquire, Ye Guya would always turn from crying to laughing and said it was all right, she had heard wrong.

But red, swollen eyes couldn't fool her.

The sound left an indelible mark on her mind.

But this time it was different, this time the crying was more bleak and louder, and it was accompanied by the sound of talking.

"Don't cry, your eyes are swollen from crying." It was a man's voice, which seemed very helpless.

"It's been four years, why are you still refusing to divorce?" This was the voice of mother Ye Guya, full of accusations and grievances.

"This issue has been said many times, and I will not divorce her." Ruthless and determined.

"You have been separated for four years... Xiaoxi and I have been alone for four years, and we really need you." Ye Guya's crying was so loud that it was heartbreaking: "Our daughter, in the past year, Keep asking me where is my baby? She was bullied by her classmates in the kindergarten... there is no one for her."

Up to this point, Yeguya choked up several times and was speechless.

"I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for Xi Wei."

(End of this chapter)

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