Chapter 1201 Cut, Smug
When you love someone deeply, there will be a sense of fear in your heart.

I am afraid that he (she) will leave me, so I want to know every move of the other party all the time.

After a long time, the phone screen turned on again, and Zuo Zhe resisted the urge to answer.

When the screen displayed an incoming call from Zhang Biao, he quickly pressed the answer button, and said in the same tone as usual: "Speak."

"It's been found out, Mrs. Zhe is in the square."

square?This reminded him of Qin Jun's phone call: "With whom?"

"Qin Yi, Jiang Yaoyao, and Xiao Zhang, um... quite a lot of people."

Zuo Zhe couldn't help wondering, are these people worthy of her dressing up for it?The doubts in my heart grew bigger and bigger, and finally I couldn't bear it anymore, and asked further: "What are they doing?"

"They're playing skateboards, and Mrs. Zhe is a master at it."

"Yeah." Zuo Zhe's heart finally settled down, and he didn't want to ask more about the rest, so he hung up like this.

No wonder I had to answer the phone, it turned out that I was playing like crazy.

This girl!

Zuo Zhe shook his head and laughed lightly, laughing at himself for being too nervous just now.

She's just grooming a little, he's already so jittery.

He just didn't answer the phone and didn't go home for a long time, so he couldn't wait for someone to find out her whereabouts.

I am too sensitive and caring, hey..., it made him so worried.

He could imagine her crazy and arrogant appearance on the slide, making it impossible to look away.

That's all, Zuo Zhe's heart softened because of thinking of her.

At this moment, the butler walked in: "Master, do you want to prepare dinner?"

He waved his hand: "No need, let's go to Nie's Mansion for dinner."

Now that he knows where she is, he can go directly to fetch her back to Nie Mansion.

"Yes, master." The butler withdrew.

When he stood up to get his coat, the phone rang again.

Seeing the above three words, he couldn't help smiling softly, and the tone of the connection and answering the phone became different: "Are you finally willing to answer my call?"

"My phone is about to blow up for you. If I don't call back, I don't think I need to go home tonight." Her naughty teasing voice came.

"Hmm, you still know who I am, and you know whether you want to go home, well, I'll forgive you just once."

"Tch, stinky." He could imagine her dissatisfied pouting when she said this, so lovable and heart-stirring.

"I'll go pick you up now."

"No need, I'll just go back later by myself." Sure enough, it was a heartless little thing.

(End of this chapter)

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