Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 1204 The Invisible Knife

Chapter 1204 The Invisible Knife
She is not a fool, nor is she a third-rate killer, so she knows there are people outside the house.

She knew that Mo Ling lived nearby, and he stood outside her door every day.

Across a wall, she and he felt each other's actions quietly.

She didn't want to go out, and she didn't dare to go out. If she went out and saw him, she would definitely go crazy uncontrollably.

At the New Year's Eve party, she said viciously "I hate you so much that I want you to die".

To this day, the memory is still fresh, like a sharp weapon, piercing her heart fiercely.

She didn't dare to think too much, but as long as she thought of him, she would think of her own words.

It turned out that she hated him so much that she wanted him to die.

She was afraid, afraid that one day, she couldn't help it, just like she couldn't help but blurt out a word, and stabbed him fiercely with the knife that had been stuck in her body for many years.

The only difference is that the knife inserted into her body is invisible, but she is tangible in his body.

He will die at her hands, with bright blood, ending his young life...  

Every time she thought of this, she felt so painful that she couldn't breathe, and her heart hurt like being nailed by an awl.

Now she is trying to suppress her emotions, trying not to let the hatred deepen, and only hopes that he will stay away from her.

As long as he leaves her, he will be safe.

In an instant, Yan Xiaozhu, who was sleepwalking in the void, suddenly came back to his senses, the big empty eyes drifted to the left with a sharp cold light.

The door lock of the house was turned slightly, and then the door panel moved away bit by bit.

She was so stiff that she couldn't even breathe.

It's him?

Did he finally couldn't bear to come in?
How to do?
No, she didn't want to see his face.

The whole face became pale and bloodless in an instant, and the pupils tightened, with an expression of extreme fear and panic.

"Xiao Hei, I'm here." A cheerful female voice sounded.

"Midnight?" she asked immediately.

"Hey, it's me." A quirky face poked out from behind the door, with two cute and mischievous canine teeth, grinning: "Surprise."

After finishing speaking, she retracted her head, and her muttering voice came: "Oh, my door key has not been used for a long time, and it is a little stuck... I can't get it out."

The clanging of keys was mixed with her talking to herself.

Yan Xiaozhu over here seemed to be collapsed, fell back on the armchair of the sofa, sighed heavily, and couldn't help correcting her words: "Be more frightened."

At the moment before, if Mo Ling had appeared here, she was really not sure what she would do to hurt him.

(End of this chapter)

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