Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 1207 It's Incredible

Chapter 1207 It's Incredible
Whether she has long hair, short hair, black hair, or red hair, there are all kinds of tastes.

Either handsome and mischievous, or willful and arrogant, or stunning, or hot and familiar.

All kinds of images refer to Ye Zi Ye Bar, different hairstyles and different clothes create a different version of her.

"He won't come, he likes to stay at home recently." After finishing speaking, he secretly laughed in his heart, remembering Zuo Zhe's words just now.

Although they are all yelling at each other, sometimes yelling is a kind of fun.

This nearly two-year relationship was not in vain, she knew his personality very well, and he knew her very well.

Just like what Zuo Zhe said, when she moved her fingertips, he already knew what she was thinking.

Yan Xiaozhu boiled a piece of mutton, which was just cooked to the right degree, and when he put it in his mouth, it was hot and delicious.

God, she almost forgot the smell of fresh meat.

Quickly brushed it off again: "Where did you go today?"

She was very curious about why she wore makeup. This is a very rare thing, just like letting the restless Ye Ziye sit quietly for a day, it is so unbelievable.

"We skateboarded in the square. Wow, it was so enjoyable. It's been a long time since I played. I almost forgot the unfettered pleasure of flying in the sky." Gestures of rotation in the air.

"I didn't know you could skateboard." Yan Xiaozhu couldn't help laughing, and at the same time remembered someone who also loved skateboarding.

A figure of a young boy appeared in her mind, sliding in front of her eyes and then sliding past, with a handsome and handsome smiling face.

"When we were in the United States, Jimmy and I were once obsessed with skateboarding." Of course, they were also obsessed with surfing and car repairing, but in the end only racing was her favorite: "Don't look at him so fat, he can jump very well Tall, very flexible. Well... Sean is not bad either, he has the most tricks, but in terms of difficulty, Mo Ling is the best..."

Ye Ziye stopped, glanced at her cautiously, quickly caught her moment of stiffness, and then pretended to be calm and stuffed the sliced ​​meat into his mouth.

Taking a breath, he pretended to continue casually: "He can do a lot of difficult moves, tsk tsk tsk, I can't do it, it's really amazing."

Yan Xiaozhu lowered his eyes and chewed with his cheekbones moving, as if he didn't listen to her words.

Choking, swallowing the food in her mouth, she continued to rinse her meat.

(End of this chapter)

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