Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 1209 Hug me please?

Chapter 1209 Hug me please?

Ye Ziye was a little guilty, turned sideways, with his back to him, and continued rubbing his temples with his fingers.

It hurts!
I drank too much with Yan Xiaozhu yesterday, and now I have a terrible headache.

After a night of hangover, unexpectedly when I woke up, I suddenly found that brother Zuo Zhe had come to the door, and just like that, he was staring at him with dead fish eyes.

Ouch, let her go, okay?

Now she doesn't have the energy to "look affectionately" with him, at least let her sleep for a while.

She didn't want to say more, she just wanted him to let her know Duke Zhou soon.

Seeing her huddled in the corner knowing her mistake, the anger in Zuo Zhe's heart calmed down a little.

He wasn't angry that she hadn't come home all night, or that she hadn't gone home for lunch, but that she had gotten very drunk.

The two girls collapsed in a mess in the living room. There was a table full of hot pot leftovers and beer cans all over the floor.

"Let's go, I'll drive you home." Her tone of voice was worried and gentle.

"I don't want to go back, Xiao Hei hasn't woken up yet." Oh my god, my head hurts and I'm dizzy.

"Come back at night, or do you want to not take a bath or change clothes for two days and two nights?"

After a while, Ye Ziye turned around and looked at Yan Xiaozhu who was still in a coma. She drank more than her, and she was probably even more unconscious.

Looking up, he looked at the cold man with his hips akimbo glaring at her, but still looking helpless.

"Can you help me get the sheet out?"

Zuo Zhe understood a little, nodded, and went into the room to get the quilt.

When he came out, she had her boots and coat on and her curly hair in a mess.

Taking the quilt from his hand, he gently covered Yan Xiaozhu's body with it, and whispered to her ear: "Xiao Hei, I'm going home first, and I'll see you at night."

He weighed the quilt, stood up, took a pen and paper, and quickly left a message on it.

She really didn't want to leave like this, but Zuo Zhe came, and if she didn't leave, he wouldn't leave either.

Moreover, she would talk about the good deeds she had done. In order to restore Yan Xiaozhu's peace, she had no choice but to caress her family's iceberg hunk first.

Putting down the pen and paper and standing up again, I felt my eyes shaking.

Zuo Zhe helped her in time, and he couldn't help but tense: "Look at you, you drink so much."

"But I know who you are, and I'm not completely drunk." She put her arms around his neck, with a bit of rogue and tenderness: "Hold me, please?"

The smile instantly melted on his ice-sculpted facial features.

He bent over and hugged her around the waist.

(End of this chapter)

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