Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 1211 Leave Me Far Away

Chapter 1211 Leave Me Far Away
Mo Ling's mother, also her mother, was the one who cooked the porridge for her carefully and tenderly, and took good care of her frail body.

Also because of her porridge, she forgave Mo Ling for framing her for stealing pens, which made her more integrated into that big family.

Also after that day, she had a new father and mother.

And this porridge taste has been with her for four years. Whenever she is sick or has an occasional Chinese breakfast, she can always drink the porridge made by her mother.

The taste of porridge is very sweet, because no seasoning is added, only some fresh minced meat is added.

At this moment, the house is filled with this fragrance.

Memories flooded her like a flood.

The tears condensed more and more, and finally blurred her vision and melted away the figure in front of her.

Eyes closed, feeling tears slide down the skin.

When she opened her eyes again, Mo Ling had already noticed that she was awake, and looked at her fixedly, speechless.

Yitang Ying's eyebrows were tightly furrowed, his face was full of pain and self-blame, and he locked her tightly.

She hurts, he suffers more than her.

Yan Xiaozhu glared at him with incomparable stubbornness and anger, shedding tears, "Get out."

He shook his head, came to her, squatted down, and looked at her face to face: "What do you want me to do to make you feel happy and happy?"

"I said, will you do what I want?" She didn't move, her eyes were fierce.

"I will." Even if you let me die, I will.

As long as you say it, he will do it.

As long as you are happy, as long as you are happy, it doesn't matter how he is.

"Okay." Yan Xiaozhu got up slowly, lifted the quilt on his body, exuding an incomparably cool breath: "I just want you to do one thing."

"You say." Looking at her ruthless facial features, his heart was broken piece by piece as if being beaten by an iron hammer.

"Leave me, stay far away from me, and don't let me see you in the future."

I don't know if it's the content of the speech, or because of the hangover, her head hurts, and her body hurts too, and finally her whole heart is throbbing.

Hate, let her run away from him with all her strength.

It also made her miserable for many years.

Mo Ling's heart seemed to be hollowed out by someone else, there was no sound of heartbeat or breathing, only the body of a walking dead.

The cold feeling swept through every cell and every piece of skin in the body.

Really gone?

Is it really not possible?
This is the only way between them?
Will there be no interbreeding ever again?
(End of this chapter)

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