Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 1227 What really belongs to her

Chapter 1227 What really belongs to her
What about Zuo Zhe's check department?She just found it out and put it on the table.

In case she reaches out her hand, she can take it over and let Brother Zuo Zhe fill in a few zeros on it.

Isn't that how it's often played on TV?

The man is soft and coquettish by the woman's voice, so he can fill out the check as soon as he is asked, and he can pretend to be a dog or a cat.

In addition, I secretly learned a few seductive moves from my sister-in-law's friends.

She felt that she was very charming and alluring at the moment (actually she was only throwing a few jerky winks), and promised that Zuo Zhe, who loved her deeply, would sign the check without delay.

Oh check oh check.

Recently, I fell in love with you crazily. Your thin body carries a staggering amount of money.

You who are light are actually the one with the most weight.

Even if bundles of hundred-dollar bills are placed in front of you, they are not as thin as yours.

Oh, the check, the all-powerful and thin check.

Just when Ye Ziye fell into a crazy fantasy, the corners of her mouth twitched and giggled because of the beautiful and sexy check, her body was suddenly pushed down.

What happened?

Who pushed her down?

Damn it, she's still looking for Zuo Zhe's check department.

The deep and hoarse male voice pressed against his earlobe, sending out an extremely seductive invitation: "How can you treat me so well?"

"Don't, it's so itchy." She woke up suddenly, and found that Zuo Zhe didn't know when to press her on him.

And his hand and her five fingers were tightly intertwined, fixed on top of her head.

"Why are you pressing me down? I still haven't finished talking." Protested.

"Needless to say, I already understand. You want money to buy a car, don't you? You want money from me, don't you?"

"No, it's a loan. I'll pay it back to you." But with their close relationship as lovers, she probably wouldn't pay it back to him, hehe.

They always don't want her to own her own car, and the more she wants to buy herself a sports car before she becomes an adult.

She really didn't want to use the Lexus that Zuo Zhe gave her for practice, for fear that it would be damaged if she was not careful.

As a driver, she must have her own sports car.

That's right, there are many in the big brother's fleet, but none of them really belong to her.

She wanted a sports car of her own, bought it herself.

"I have an idea, you don't have to pay back the money." He smiled maliciously.

She laughed so hard that she was a little hairy, and asked cautiously: "What idea?"

The laughter grew louder, becoming more and more evil and cunning: "Hey, pay for your debts."

[Xiao Hei is so cruel, no one came out and hummed, are you all stepmothers?My poor little black....In addition, this article is planned to be completed around March 3.Xinwen plans to meet after April 20, if it goes well, hehe, I can't guarantee it. 】

(End of this chapter)

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