Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 1230 The Meaning of Burning Your Head

Chapter 1230 The Meaning of Burning Your Head

When Ye Ziye heard it, a dazzling look radiated from his entire face.

"Speed? Drift?" She liked those two phrases.

Season didn't tell her that there is such a fun place, no, you must go and have a look.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed without saying a word to harass her.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhe just smiled and was very indulgent, standing beside her with his elbows on her shoulders.

She lowered her head, her soft eyes locked on her face.

Recently, I found that she especially likes to speak in a gentle tone, and she always speaks with a certain taste of conspiracy.

Sure enough, she called softly towards the other end of the phone: "Brother, I'm Xi Wei."

The voice was very long and soft, which made Zuo Zhe's heart itch.

This reminded him that she also used this tone last night to coax him to fill out the check slip.

One can imagine the result.

Zuo Zhe was curious about Season's reaction, so he moved his face closer to eavesdrop.

A half-startled voice came from the other party, with the usual tone of pouring cold water: "Do you have a fever?"

It immediately made him laugh wildly, what a vicious Season.

Ye Ziye didn't understand, but seeing her man smiling happily, she frowned and asked him, "What do you mean?"

"It means burning your head." He didn't answer, but Season over there answered automatically.

Ye Ziye was suddenly so angry that he couldn't care less, and cursed at him by his first name, "Ah! Nie Xichen, you just have a fever."

Unexpectedly, when she went crazy, Season and Zuo Zhe burst into laughter at the same time.

"Well, this is not normal." After the laughter, the other side asked: "How is it? Is there anything you want to ask me?"

Hmph, this naughty little sister, who usually speaks carelessly, speaks bluntly when she has something to say, but suddenly she speaks softly, without even thinking about it, she knows that she is making up her mind.

Did she think Nie Xichen was an idiot?Such obvious things are not noticed.

Ye Ziye blushed with anger, but couldn't think of the same move.

Using it on Zuo Zhe has tried everything, but using it on the eldest brother is counterproductive.

So she said straight up, "I want to use your parking lot to have fun with two friends."



"It's raining, it's not safe, and the most important thing is that there are no staff there now, they are all on holiday."

"Just borrow your warehouse."

"Do you want to play Extreme Drift?" Some got it.

Ye Ziye couldn't help but praise in her heart: Oh, Nie Xichen is indeed Nie Xichen, extremely smart!

(End of this chapter)

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