Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 1244 The Unkillable Cockroach

Chapter 1244 The Unkillable Cockroach
Klaus laughed on the spot, full of ridicule: "Don't worry, what will happen to the wild girl, she is a cockroach that can't be killed, don't worry about her."

"That's right." Nie Hong was equally happy, and changed the subject: "Do you think she will win?"

"To be honest, I don't want her to lose money. If she wins, she will be very sad."

The two brothers talked one by one, as if they were not very optimistic about their sister.

He Shufen couldn't help being a little stunned, remembering that they had a good relationship with Ye Ziye before.

Why did they want to see her make a fool of themselves when they met this time?
So she asked directly: "Did you quarrel?"

"No." The two said in unison, because the answer was too straightforward, which made people look sideways.

Heh heh heh, it's weird!

Suddenly, Season and Lan Xin sneered, "They're jealous, jealous of Xi Wei."

"Oh? Why?" He Shufen asked anxiously, blinking her curious eyes.

"No, not jealous." Klaus yelled angrily: "Joke, how could we be jealous of a girl."

"Yes, we are good brothers and sisters, regardless of each other, loving and friendly." Nie Hong nodded vigorously in agreement.

But he didn't know that the more he said that, the more suspicious everyone became.

As we all know in the past, Nie Hong always loves to find fault with Klaus and never stand on the same side with him.

As for Ye Ziye, the two brothers loved her very much.

Now they have become a group of people, and the guns are unanimous, and the outsider is Ye Ziye.

How can people not be surprised.

"Xiao Xin, why?" Lu Xiya grabbed Lan Xin's hand and asked anxiously, "Why are they jealous?"

"Because grandpa decided to give Xi Wei a big present."

"what gift?"

"Of course it's the sports car she wants most."

"Wow." Envious (He Shufen and Lu Xiya).

"A modified car worth 1000 million yuan." added.

"Cut." Jealousy and Hate (Nie Hong and Klaus).

Woohoo, grandpa is so eccentric!
He even sent a 1000 million sports car to his sister, what about them?Nothing at all.

God!It's so unfair.

There was another crashing sound in the distance.

It is believed that the second collision in the same lap from the sports car that belonged to Ye Ziye could not help but attract everyone's attention.

From far to near, the sports car in front is still brilliant, but the one behind is barely supported.

Another crashing sound.

[The book city is convulsed, the content is not updated, and the chapters become blank, dizzy, dear friends, you can read the blank chapters later, and I wish you a happy 38th, and you will always be young. 】

(End of this chapter)

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