Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 1256 You Are My Antidote

Chapter 1256 You Are My Antidote
He had to confirm again: "Move to live with you?"

"Hmm." Monophonic characters.

That's her typical style of reticence, no nonsense and no repetition.

A happy smile suddenly appeared on his face like a fool, and he happily responded to her: "Okay."

When she was done tidying up, he also cleaned up the noodles and soup in the big soup bowl.

He caressed his stomach, um, so full and satisfied!

But it seems that there are still some pains, just now it hurts because I was too hungry, and now it hurts because I am too full.

Yan Xiaozhu stood up, took out a box of medicine from his pocket, took out two more, and handed it to him: "Eat this."

He didn't ask much, took it obediently, took the only mineral water in the house, and swallowed it along with two pills.

Frowning, she said, "Don't you ask me what medicine it is?"

"I hope it's a fascination/sickness drug." He smiled hey, with a bad taste: "I hope to be fascinated/stunned by you."

"Hmph." She stared at him without anger, feeling that he was stubborn and still loved to take advantage of her when talking, so she couldn't help but sneered and said, "I like to use poison."

"You are my poison." He replied casually, expressing his opinion.

That's right, he was poisoned to the point of being sick and wounded, unable to save himself.

This time, Yan Xiaozhu didn't smile anymore, his brows were furrowed deeper, and he looked at him solemnly: "Every poison has its antidote."

It doesn't have to be a dead end, you can rescue it yourself or give up taking it.

She didn't like the expression on his face, it was too sad and didn't match him with his unruly nature.

Sighing helplessly, he changed the subject: "That's stomach medicine."

In order to buy stomach medicine for him, she ran out of the pharmacy on purpose.

This was her first record of going out recently, and it was broken again because of him.

Then he came back thinking that he could not take the medicine on an empty stomach, and ran home to cook noodles for him.

So I grind back and forth for an hour: "Is your stomach better?"

"As soon as I see you." He smiled sweetly, still not changing his teasing tone: "So you are also my antidote."

Seeing his flustered look, Yan Xiaozhu seemed to feel that it was just an illusion.

In fact, Mo Ling wasn't very pitiful or sad, he just pretended to be that way to deceive her poor sympathy.

In any case, she was still no match for him.

He is such a rascal.

And she is a person who has no power to resist him.

(End of this chapter)

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