Chapter 1258

She has nothing to give them, and this is the only kind of nurturing she repays them.

Mo Ling was a man she didn't want, and a man she couldn't afford.

Yan Xiaozhu stared fiercely at his words again, turned his face away, and ignored him.

Sitting down on the sofa next to him, he pressed the remote control, and the boring soap opera continued.

She didn't speak, Mo Ling felt very boring, and secretly scolded herself for talking too much.

Knowing that her parents are her taboo, she still insists on mentioning them.

The two sat bored, and the Chinese dramas on TV were not attractive to him who grew up in a foreign country.

Not only is the plot boring, but the language is also difficult.

"What's so interesting about these." Mingming laughed at the TV station, but she watched with a serious face.

Laughing is indeed not her good expression.

Even such a girl who doesn't like to laugh still deeply attracted his attention.

She didn't look sideways, and said coldly: "It's better than me looking at you, and you looking at me."

"Tch, I think you look better." He was dissatisfied, and her words were alluding to him, telling him to stop staring at her fiercely.

After a long time, she couldn't help but ask, "What's going on at your house?"

He was stunned, he couldn't think of an excuse to say casually, but she actually kept it in her heart: "I..., I don't know very well."

She turned her face sideways, and was suspicious of his words again: "Then you said something happened at home?"

"I said it, and you scolded me later, I won't say it." He smiled on his face, and had a feasible calculation in his heart.

That's right, it's not that there's something wrong at home, it's that he wants to trouble the people from the sales group.

And he can't let her know, otherwise she will either stop her or go together.

Whichever it was, he didn't want her to be a part of it.

"Really not to say?" She was displeased.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you." Mo Ling rolled her cunning eyes: "My mother asked me to go home... to go on a blind date."

"Blind date?" Her voice raised unconsciously, and soon realized that she was overly nervous, and quickly changed her words: "Ahem, I mean how is it possible? They are not traditional Chinese, talking about blind dates or not. "

She didn't believe it, absolutely didn't believe his nonsense.

"Don't forget I'm half Chinese."

Mo Ling carefully observed her expression, her "blind date" just now was a bit abrupt, which made him look forward to it.

She should care about him, otherwise she wouldn't react so much.

(End of this chapter)

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