Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 1264 Do you hate me?

Chapter 1264 Do you hate me?
Well, let's decide.

Mo Ling's sudden silence made Yan Xiaozhu a little timid.

Turning the corners of his eyes, he secretly peeked at the expression on his face, only to see his rare seriousness.

The smiling face faded away, and the arrogance faded away, and some were just very strange expressions.

If he didn't speak, she, who was reticent, would naturally not speak.

The pace continued to walk leisurely, and occasionally she would take what she needed from the shelves, all of which were her daily necessities.

Toothpaste, tissues, snacks, drinks and more.

When passing the towel area, her hand moved, trying to buy him a new towel and toothbrush.

His fingers stiffened in the air for a while, and he suddenly remembered that he was going to fly back to the United States tonight for a blind date.

Yesterday he said that Mo's mother asked him to go home for a blind date, and his heart throbbed inexplicably again.

Blind date!

He wants to go home for a blind date.

Just thinking of this made her feel bad.

Now that I think about it carefully, it was also because of this incident that she lost her position last night and took no precautions against him.

Thinking of this, she glanced at him again.

I saw him staring at her fixedly, his affectionate eyes were startled when he noticed her movement, and then returned to his usual cynicism.

Smile badly at her: "Hee hee, is Xiaoyan missing me?"

Immediately, she blushed, panicked, snorted coldly from her nostrils, and turned her head to ignore him.

Mo Ling was willing to let her go, leaned forward, and wrapped her arms around her waist.

Regardless of whether she is willing or not, bowing her head is a loud kiss.

Unmistakable on her pink cheeks.

"Aren't you annoying, get out of here." He bumped his elbow back into his stomach.

"Ouch!" screamed.

She took the opportunity to slip out of his arms, and quickly pushed the shopping cart towards the payment counter.

Yan Xiaozhu's skills are not weak, such a head-on collision almost broke his heart, liver, spleen and lungs.

Rubbing his stomach, Mo Ling hurried to catch up.

He found that Yan Xiaozhu loved to beat him, both physically and mentally, was scarred by her.

As for him, he was willing to be beaten, and he had to rush to his door.

After counting the goods, the cashier said politely and politely, "It's [-] yuan in total."

When Yan Xiaozhu took out his wallet, Mo Ling had already handed over his bank card: "Let me pay."

The cashier smiled and took the card in his hand, and then asked him to enter the bank card password.

Just like that, her movements stopped.

In the past, I was used to being alone, and I relied on myself for everything.

(End of this chapter)

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