Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 1268 23 strokes to settle you down

Chapter 1268

Then he accidentally let Yan Xiaozhu know, so as to test her reaction.

In addition, she also wanted to use Mo Ling to test Zuo Zhe, to see if that guy would be jealous.

Now that Mo Ling is gone, all the plans will come to naught.

But if he doesn't leave, he will be ruined.

Because from Yan Xiaozhu's move to send the plane off, it can be seen that the two of them are already walking together.

By the way, didn't they eat together two days ago?

"How are you developing now?" Curious, curious.

Anyway, I've been busy lately, so I can inquire about the gossip news, hehe, entertain others and myself.

"It's what you see." Yan Xiaozhu tapped the tip of her nose, smiling contentedly.

When you let go of the past and don't care about others, and only care about your own happiness and joy, it turns out that it can be so simple and easy.

Where Mo's father and Mo's mother are, please ignore it for now.

"Hmm, it seems like I'm having a good time." Someone smiled wickedly: "Did I do something bad?"

"Are you the only one who can do bad things?" She confessed bluntly, and she didn't need to hide it from her friends: "I can do it too."

Ye Ziye was stunned, unexpectedly she got it right: "Wow, the progress is so fast, Mo Ling is not easy, I will settle you down in two or three strokes."

Rubbing his chin, he looked as if he wanted to ask him for advice.

Thinking how long she had been around Yan Xiaozhu back then, that guy actually did things in two or three days, turning Yan Xiaozhu, who hated him so much, into so docile and pleasant.

"Let's go, let's talk again when we go back." She had already seen Ye Ziye's Lexus parked so dazzlingly.

Among the hundreds of cars, it can be recognized at a glance.

Ye Ziye readily agreed: "Okay, but I'm going to visit Baihutang now, and I'll go to the old house to find you later."

"Are you going to Baihutang?" She was stunned: "Did something happen?"

Ye Ziye was rarely involved in the matter of Baihutang, except when she first met Zuo Zhe and had a strong curiosity about him.

Zuo Zhe took her out and in a few times, and since then, he no longer stopped her from being curious about the guild. Instead, her attention was shifted to other things.

If you don't let her know, she will do everything possible to know; if you let her know, she won't bother to know.

She is such a person, once her curiosity is satisfied, she will stop being curious.

Yan Xiaozhu was naturally surprised to hear her talk about going back to Baihutang suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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