Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 1274 Questions About Believe It Or Not

Chapter 1274 Questions About Believe It Or Not

"There are no outsiders here. Only you and Zuo Zhe know about the transaction between us."

Suddenly Shangguan Lu changed the subject: "Why don't you believe me?"

"I think with this sentence, you should ask yourself why we don't believe you."

"At the beginning Zuo Zhe tested me on the question of whether I believed it or not. He asked me to let go of my prejudices and believe in his arrangement, but now he refuses to believe me." Let go of your prejudice against me, it turned out not to be true, Zuo Zhe still refuses to believe me."

"He doesn't believe you because you didn't follow his plan. Why are you back now? Aren't you aiming at Baihutang?"

Especially at such an important time as Baihutang, no mistakes can be made.

So when Shangguan Lu came back, everyone had to beware of her sabotage.

The blame can only be blamed on her having too many bad deeds, making everyone fearful.

"I..." Shangguan Lu was speechless, but quickly continued: "I admit that I really want to come back. There is everything I can't let go of here."

Her childhood, her teenagers were all raised in Baihutang, and all her energy was spent in Baihutang.

All she wanted was an honor, a position that belonged to their Shangguan family.

Ye Ziye didn't want to talk nonsense with her, so he said straightforwardly: "You should think about it for yourself, continue pestering Xiao Qin to win his sympathy, or make a deal with me so that you can get your wish."

"..." Shangguan Lu pursed her lips, these two choices really made her embarrassed.

"Five days, don't wait until the expiration date, you should think about it carefully." Put a long line to catch big fish.

Ye Ziye had a plan in mind, if Shangguan Lu chose to make a deal with her, then she would have to discuss it with Zuo Zhe.

For their good friend, the mere position of deputy hall master is worth giving up for them.

As for Qin Jun, short-term pain is worse than long-term pain. He deserves a better girl.

It's just that if she really gets close to Qin Jun for the sake of Baihutang, it will not only hurt Qin Jun's heart, but also cause troubles in Baihutang.

Of course, she had a small voice in her heart, hoping that she would choose Qin Jun and give up the bait she released.

As long as she likes Qin Jun sincerely, as long as she works for Baihutang sincerely.

It is the greatest reward for everyone to tolerate her all the time.

Shangguan Lu, you must not disappoint everyone.

After a while, Zuo Zhe came back, and everyone went home after chatting for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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