Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 1278 One fragile day

Chapter 1278 A Fragile Day

"Why is Mo Ling's phone with you?"

"Something happened to him."

"What's the matter?" The whole heart was cold, and the hand holding the phone was very white, and even trembled slightly: "Where are others? Where are they?"

"In the hospital, unconscious, calling your name all the time, come back and see him."

"Oh..." His head seemed to be emptied all of a sudden, and he couldn't think normally.

Only one thought was ringing: she was going back to America, she was going back to America.

She didn't know how to hang up the phone, she stood there blankly, and it took a long time to react.

Hurriedly running back to the meal, Ye Ziye just finished her breakfast and stood up to call her back to eat.

She will go back to the team for practice in a while, and then call Shangguan Lu to discuss the deal.

The day will be a bit hectic.

Unexpectedly, when he raised his head, he met Yan Xiaozhu's panicked eyes.

A face was pale, and even the lips were pale and bloodless, as if he was still in shock.

They had never seen her lose her composure like this before when they ran to kill Carl.

"What's going on?" He rushed forward and supported her, only to find that her fingers were cold and trembling.

This made Ye Ziye nervous and frightened along with her.

Something big must have happened, otherwise she, who was calm and composed, would not be disturbed.

"Mo Ling... Mo Ling had an accident, and now he is unconscious in the hospital. I... I want to go and see him."

When saying this, Yan Xiaozhu felt that the scene in front of him was shaking, as if the sky was about to collapse.

Never thought that she would be so afraid of Mo Ling getting hurt.

In the past, she wished that he would be far away from her, but now she wished that he had never left.

That way, that way he wouldn't be lying in the hospital.

"Why are you lying in the hospital?" Ye Ziye was very worried, but she was worried about Yan Xiaozhu.

Her complexion looked so bad, as if she would fall to the ground at any moment.

As strong as her, as ruthless as her, there will be such a fragile day.

"I, I don't know." Yan Xiaozhu woke up like a dream, and was so flustered that he forgot to ask Simon (Simon) what happened.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and called back: "Hello? Simon? Why is Mo Ling lying in the hospital?"

"He sneaked into a human trafficking group and was spotted by the other party. When the other party fought, he was the only one..."

Before Simon could finish speaking, Yan Xiaozhu lost control and shouted at her boss angrily.

[My dear, I'm sorry, I fell ill with a fever and cough yesterday, and I will make up the ten o'clock owed yesterday on Friday. 】

(End of this chapter)

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