Chapter 1282 Terribly Cold

The dry lips were tightly pressed, and the long eyelashes hung over the eyelids.

A lifeless person, not as tough and hateful as before.

There was just dead silence.

"Mo Ling, wake up, don't act like this, I'm so scared, you talk." Tears of fear welled up, and she stubbornly endured them, holding them back.

No, she doesn't cry.

Mo Ling will be fine, so she shouldn't cry weakly.

She wants to wake him up, she wants to tell him that she misses him and has been thinking about him these days.

"Xiaoyan, don't be sad, the priest will be fine." Simon (Simon) stood behind her, patted her on the back gently, and comforted her: "If he knows you are coming, he will wake up soon. Come here, don’t be afraid, it’s okay, it’s okay.”

Yan Xiaozhu said to him self-consciously: "Why are you so stupid, you ran to find revenge on them, I have already let go, why do you risk your life?"

"Actually, he has been looking for those people. It just so happened that we finally found them a few days ago." Simon (Simon) felt a little guilty: "I knew that this would happen. I shouldn't have given the list to him in the first place."

Speaking of this, Yan Xiaozhu got angry, turned around suddenly, and stared at him fiercely: "Why didn't you tell me? You clearly knew that there was danger, but you didn't send anyone to help him, and let him risk his life. Are you still human?"

She was originally a cold person, and people dare not approach her if she doesn't speak usually.

Now that he is on fire, he is naturally terribly cold, and he was trained by a top killer.

With that anger, he stared at him fiercely with murderous intent.

Simon (Simon) seemed to feel that his life was in jeopardy. Suddenly, he became a little scared, and hurriedly argued: "It's none of my business, it's the priest..."

"If there's anything wrong with him, I won't let you go." Yan Xiaozhu didn't care about his status as the big boss, so he started a ruthless attack, and the whole person was in a state of madness.

"Eh? It'll be fine, he'll be fine..." So scared.

Simon was clean, came from a good family, went to a good school, and went on to a respectable career.

Just on a whim, I set up a Van organization for fun.

Just in that year, I met Tyler, a cold-blooded killer, and then Zuo Zhe, who had money but nowhere to spend it.

They became a turning point in his life, a killer who could kill people desperately for money, and a gangster who wanted to clean up money from unknown sources in the underworld.

(End of this chapter)

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