Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 1285 Cherish These Two Words

Chapter 1285 Cherish These Two Words
"It's useless, I know what's wrong with me, Xiaoyan... I'm afraid I won't be able to grow old with you..."

"No, I don't want you to say that, I don't allow you to say that." Suddenly, tears of fear slid down the corners of her eyes, quickly moistening her cheeks.

He gently raised his hand, wiping her teardrops weakly: "Don't cry, Xiaoyan won't cry..., I'm a big villain, I've been bullying you, and now I'm finally... going to die."

"No, no, don't say that, I beg you, Mo Ling, you have to support." She shook her head vigorously, denying what he said, fearing that what he said would come true: "You won't die Yes, you said we were going to be together."

"Yeah, we want to be together, Xiaoyan... Will you be my wife? I...cough cough, I always wanted to have such a day, cough..."

"I am willing, I am willing, as long as you are okay, I am willing."

It turns out that when something is about to be lost, we learn what it means to cherish the word.

At this moment, Yan Xiaozhu hated her stubbornness.

If she hadn't resented him so much back then and made her a pawn of the traffickers, he wouldn't have felt uneasy, and he wouldn't have gone to seek revenge.

It's always been for her, to be happy for her, to get her forgiveness.

In the end, he paid his young life.

Yan Xiaozhu's whole body was in tears, clinging to his hand that tried tears for her, holding it tightly, and buried her face in his gentle palm.

The touch of this temperature made her both warm and scared.

Fear of losing it the next second.

Mo Ling's originally dull eyes blinked, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, which disappeared quickly and fleetingly.

"Xiaoyan..., I love you, how about you?" He asked angrily, "Do you love me?"

"Me? I love you!" What's the use of saying that now?

"I don't believe it, you must...to please me." After speaking, he coughed twice.

"Really, I love you."

"Yeah." Mo Ling seemed very happy and satisfied, closing his eyes, with a happy smile on his lips.

For a long time, he remained motionless like this.

Yan Xiaozhu's heart was in his throat, and he whispered softly, "Mo Ling?"

He didn't answer, still with a slight smile on his face, motionless.

Her heart suddenly became cold.

Hastily shook him: "Mo Ling?"

"Ahem..., huh?" His eyes opened again, half-closed.

Seeing his reaction, Yan Xiaozhu let go of his half-suspended heart.

(End of this chapter)

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