Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 1322 Help You Abolish Xiao Haozi

Chapter 1322 Help You Abolish Xiao Haozi

Lan Xin had no choice but to say: "You guys let go together, I'll count to three, you guys let go together okay?"

"OK." The two nodded, staring at each other covetously.

"One, two, three let go."

So both of them let go of their hands obediently, and Ye Ziye quickly jumped off Lan Hao's back.

Immediately, the two bounced away a few feet away, each stroking their aching hands and feet.

Lan Hao screamed again and again: "You are so rude, it's hard for Zuo Zhe."

Ye Ziye did not show weakness: "You are so rude, no wonder Ji Yue doesn't like you."

"Ah, are you looking for a fight?"

"I fear you!"

Lan Xin hurriedly stepped forward and pulled her younger brother: "Okay, okay, have you guys had enough trouble?"

Season also grabbed Ye Ziye and coaxed her into her ear: "Xi Wei, don't make trouble, big brother will help you abolish Xiao Haozi tomorrow."

"Seriously?" She was suddenly taken aback.

"Fake." Sure enough, it was shameless.

Ye Ziye glared at his elder brother, looking at his smirking face, unable to contain his anger, and then looked at Lan Hao's embarrassed look.

He couldn't help laughing loudly: "Look at your ugly appearance, what kind of big star is it?"

Lan Hao was already uncomfortable with being slapped on the face, and wanted to ask his sister for a few words of comfort, but he didn't expect to meet a crazy girl like Ye Ziye.

The two scuffled into a ball for no reason, and now they were laughing at themselves again.

He couldn't help looking up, staring at her fiercely, and found that Ye Ziye was also not much better.

His curly hair was messed up by him, and his clothes were disheveled, like a crazy woman.

Immediately he laughed too: "Don't you look at yourself."

Two people, you look at me, I look at you again, and look down at yourself, you can't help but win the lottery.

They fought like this, and like girls who don't know kung fu, they are pulling their hair and clothes, with no technical content at all.

Hearty laughter sounded, and there was a big smile to wipe away all grievances and hatred.

Season and Lan Xin were startled again, a big drop of sweat dripped from the back of their heads.

Are these two guys out of their minds?
There was no reason to fight, and no reason to make up and laugh.

Ye Ziye smiled and saw a figure standing at the door out of the corner of his eyes.

Looking over in astonishment, I saw Zuo Zhe standing there at some point, with a face like a blizzard coming.

His face was terribly dark, especially those black eyes, which seemed to be able to burst out ice arrows.

Clenching his hands into fists, trembling slightly, he stared fiercely in Lan Hao's direction.

Ye Ziye looked at it this way, and the others also noticed his presence.

(End of this chapter)

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