Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 148 He Binxian, You Are Cruel

Chapter 148 He Binxian, You Are Cruel
Ye Ziye stood up, at the same height as He Binxian: "You don't care if I cheated or not, anyway, we didn't say that I can't cheat."

She is not afraid of him, and she is not afraid to bring up this topic in front of the whole class: "You can cheat even if you are not convinced."

Haha, everyone knows she's cheating anyway.

The onlookers all looked like they were joining in the fun, and no one paid any attention to He Binxian's accusation.

"You..." He Binxian stomped his feet angrily.

The bell for the second round of exams rang, so everyone returned to their seats obediently.

The first round was a math test, and the second round was a Chinese test. This time, Ye Ziye's weakness was even more exposed.

Chinese is her weakness, while English is her strength.

The invigilator changed to a woman, so everyone followed the cheating method of the first round.

When Song Jian looked at her furtively, she knew her answer was coming.

Still first to attract the attention of the invigilator, Song Jian, who was timid, was covered and sent out the answer sheet.

It went well, just like the last round of exams.

He Binxian looked at her copying the answer angrily.

"Teacher, Ye Ziye is cheating!" He suddenly raised his finger and shouted at her, so the whole class followed the figure of the invigilator and twisted to the back.

Everyone gasped, this He Binxian really didn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, how dare he offend a person who is under the hood of Baihu?
Ye Ziye glanced at him: He Binxian, you are cruel.

The invigilator took out a crumpled ball of paper from the bottom of Ye Ziye's paper with a serious face: "Ye Ye Ye, what explanation do you have?"

"Teacher, I don't." She smiled helplessly.

How could the invigilator stop there: "Who gave you this piece of paper?"

As soon as this remark came out, the whole class fell silent, because if Ye Ziye confessed to Song Jian, other students would be implicated.

How many hands does a piece of paper pass from south to north?
The fact that the whole class assisted in cheating will be exposed, and at that time their class A in the third grade will be famous all over the world.

The seriousness of this can be imagined.

At this moment, He Binxian regretted his impulsiveness. At that time, he only thought that Ye Ziye could not cheat successfully, and that her grades could not be higher than his own, but he never thought that the result would be so serious.

Ye Ziye looked calm and composed, with a wicked smile on the corner of her mouth, she looked at Song Jian in the front row, and gently raised her finger.

(End of this chapter)

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