Chapter 163 Blood seals the throat as soon as it is unsheathed
"I'm not a wild girl." She was like a kitten under attack, her hair stood on end, and she was in a state of preparation for battle.

Lan Hao stood in front of her, tilted his head and looked at her: "If you don't tell me, I really wouldn't notice that she has canine teeth on both sides."

There was no malice in his tone, he just looked at the corners of her mouth curiously.

Ye Ziye immediately pressed her thin lips tightly, and put away her pair of cute or evil canine teeth.

Seeing this, Lan Hao laughed, and said to Nie Hong who was behind her: "You should let her go, or they will accuse you of bullying the underage little sister."

Nie Hong at the other end took her saber, pushed her aside, and studied the familiar saber: "Why is it the same as my brother's?"

"Really? Really? Let me see." Lan Hao immediately leaned over.

Nie Hong asked him strangely: "Have you seen my brother's saber?"

My brother's saber is stored very tightly, and he will not take it out when it is not necessary.

Just like the famous swords in those martial arts novels, they will never be easily unsheathed, once they are unsheathed, blood will seal the throat.

"No, that's why I want to take a look." Lan Hao laughed.

"I rely on."

The two big boys sang together like no one else, completely ignoring the existence of other people.

A slender white female soft palm was opened in front of them, and Ye Ziye, who was left to hang aside, said angrily, "Have you seen enough? Give it back to me quickly."

The saber, of course, is exactly the same!

Because it was Season who taught her to use a saber and gave it to her for personal use.

"Stop hitting?" Nie Hong looked at her and blinked, wondering.

Just now he looked fierce and evil, but now he looks like a normal person, very much like a lunatic in a lunatic asylum, who becomes abnormally normal after going crazy.

"I was just kidding with you." She shrugged her shoulders with a cute and gentle smile on her face.

There is a world of difference from the evil she just now.

"She wants to get the saber back!" Lan Hao bumped his brother's waist with his elbow, with a calm expression on his face: "Give it back to her."

"I can return it to you, but tell me where I can buy this saber?" He always wanted to have a saber like his brother.

"do not know."

[Today is still the 20th update, cool, cool, cool, no update today..., ah, no update!Hee hee, those who have nothing to do, show me two more times, and kill me with your sharp clicks. 】

(End of this chapter)

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