Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 174 Only She and Zuo Zhe Now

Chapter 174 Only She and Zuo Zhe Now
He noticed her quietly gloomy expression, frowned slightly and stopped asking.

Soon the two arrived at the destination, and he crossed his arms like he did in the attack on Zhongyi Hall last time, letting her step on his arms and jump onto the wall.

Then he took a few steps back, rushed forward in three big steps, grabbed the top of the wall with both hands, put his left foot on it, and within three seconds he was by her side.

Similarly, he jumped off the ground first, and after looking around for nothing unusual, he motioned for her to jump down, and he gently caught her.

The two groped around the dark part of the garden towards the main house. Under the shining stars and moon, they saw two security guards patrolling the front yard of the villa.

Zuo Zhe motioned to her to enter the main house through the window at the back of the house. In the quiet middle of the night, the peeping night visit made Ye Ziye very nervous.

This time was different from the last time. They had a plan and a roadmap for attacking Zhongyi Hall last time, and they had the brothers of Baihu Hall as their backing. They were not afraid of exposure or fighting.

This time they are acting in secret, they can't startle the snake, and now it's only her and Zuo Zhe.

In the whole big house, what exactly are they looking for?

After sneaking into the living room of the big house, without the moonlight, it suddenly became pitch black.

Zuo Zhe turned on the flashlight he was holding, and looked for suspicious objects one by one, including the hanging paintings on the wall and the crystal decorations on the table...

After searching the living room, they searched the room again. The first room they entered was the guest room, but they found nothing.

The second is also, and then the third is a study.

The two of them tacitly checked the bookshelves, books and decorations on the countertops. Usually, wealthy families would put important documents in the study room.

Ye Ziye shook his head at him after searching the bookshelves, and at the same time Zuo Zhe also searched the books on the bookshelves.

He stared at the safe next to him worryingly. He didn't have a password, and he wasn't an expert at opening safes.

"The things should be inside." He decided to call Shan Nantao to ask how to unlock it.

"I'll do it." Ye Ziye squeezed his body away, pulled the gloves on his fingers, and lowered his head to study.

"You know how to open a safe?" Zuo Zhe looked at her in disbelief.

"Learned last year, don't talk, just be quiet." She had a serious face and stopped talking nonsense.

Gently press your right finger on the lock button.

The ear was pressed against the door of the safe, listening to the slight sound of the firing pin inside.

Trying again and again, the silent and stuffy air made the two of them sweat on their foreheads.

'Crack! 'After a sound, the door of the safe popped out.

(End of this chapter)

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