Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 182 Too stupid and greedy!

Chapter 182 Too stupid and greedy!

"Where? When will it be delivered?"

"Changshun Wharf, 45:[-]."

After the video was broadcast, Shan Nantao squinted at Ye Ziye, and added with some scruples: "It should refer to our stolen goods two months ago."

"Yeah." Zuo Zhe's face became serious: "Keep reading."

So the third video opens.

This time Shangguan Chaoqun looked annoyed: "Didn't you say that after the matter is completed, we father and daughter will be allowed to take the position of deputy head of the Loyalty Hall?"

"I know, but Hall Master Peng said that the last batch of goods was not large, and he couldn't make much money. I hope you can disclose the news again."

"I won't trust you any more."

"You do whatever you want, there is no difference between once and twice." Liu Weizhong persuaded: "I heard that a batch of goods will be shipped back from the United States tomorrow. Let Zuo Zhe and Qin Jun personally pick up the goods."

"That's not goods."

"What is it?"

"That is the confidential file of Baihutang. Inside the black box is a mobile hard drive, which contains the archives of thousands of people in Baihutang, as well as the supply and receipt records of Baihutang and the transaction bills of domestic and foreign banks... ..."

"Great, as long as you get it, don't talk about the position of deputy hall master in the future, you can be the chief hall master in the future."

"But once the secret is leaked out, the whole Baihu Hall will collapse." Shangguan Chaoqun was always hesitant.

"When you are the deputy head of the Loyalty Hall, you can't wait for your enemies to fall."


"Don't think too much, just settle this matter, our Zhongyi Hall is the world of your father and daughter."

Zuo Zhe closed his eyes with a headache, and he could already guess what happened next.

In the video, Shangguan Chaoqun, even if he had a little loyalty and hesitation towards Baihutang, was dragged into the abyss bit by bit by Liu Weizhong in the end.

The intention of Zhongyitang is obvious. The purpose of recording the video is to threaten him in the future.

This Shang Jin and this Liu Weizhong are very good at keeping things.

"Too stupid and greedy." Ye Ziye shook his head and disagreed.

"Actually, Shangguan Chaoqun can't be blamed entirely." Shan Nantao looked at Zuo Zhe, but didn't dare to say what he said next.

As we all know, Zuo Zhe's father, Zuo Peng, did resort to tricks.

Zuo Zhe had a handsome face, and he pursed his lips tightly and said nothing. There was a video in the folder, and he didn't have the courage to watch it.

【Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.Ten changes will start tomorrow, and we will try our best to keep ten changes every day in the future, without adding changes at night, and code words at night, try to code words and code words, and send as many codes as possible. 】

(End of this chapter)

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