Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 189 Before Flash 3: Brother and Sister Recognize

Chapter 189 Before Flash 3: Brother and Sister Recognize (2)

Let the teacher see her, turn around and run away.

When I’m free, I squat on the street to watch other people dance hip-hop, watch drag racing with other truant seniors, she smokes when others smoke, and she takes drugs when others smoke.

At that time, she was like a dry sponge, frantically absorbing all bad habits.

Anyway, she had money, and Ye Guya responded to every request, money was easy to come and easy to go.

Later, Ye Guya found out that she was taking drugs and forced her to a drug rehabilitation center.

Not long after I came out, I got mixed up with my former friends, and soon started smoking again, and was sent to drug rehabilitation repeatedly.

Ye Guya has never dared to tell Nie Fan about this matter.

Because she knew that none of the things her daughter did satisfied him.

However, Nie Xichen, who lives in China, is so outstanding that she is jealous. In addition to being the first in the exam, the 15-year-old Nie Xichen has already started to get involved in business activities and participated in company meetings.

When it was the third time to pick up her daughter home, Ye Guya was already concentrating: "Xi Wei, why are you always so disobedient?"

At the age of ten, she glared at her mother: "Why are you following that man named Nie?"

"I know you hate me, but you can't spoil yourself like this. It's Mommy's fault if you make a thousand mistakes. You... If you go to do drugs again, Mommy will do drugs with you. "

"...." The stubborn woman pursed her lips tightly, and looked away disapprovingly.

"Mummy only has you by my side, without you, I don't want to live." That day Ye Guya hugged her and cried like hell: "Xi Wei, I beg you!"

After that, she finally stopped this kind of self-abuse. That year, she became calm and went back to school obediently.

But things that go bad still go bad.

Ye Ziye stayed at school during the day and studied at home at night, but fled outside late at night to continue her crazy behavior.

At the age of 12, she is already 160 cm tall. With her kung fu, she is not afraid of anything, and she still beats anyone who doesn't like her.

Later, watching other people’s racing cars was not enough, so I also bought a heavy motorcycle, participated in competitions to win money, and in a blink of an eye, I invited everyone to drink and spend it.

In the middle of the night, he came home with alcohol scars all over his body, fell on the bed and fell asleep.

Day after day, year after year, it seemed that only this kind of life could make her forget the pain in her heart.

As long as Ye Guya and Nie Fan don't know, she is still the rebellious, frivolous and willful her.

(End of this chapter)

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