Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 197 Before Flash 3: Brother and Sister Recognize

Chapter 197 Before Flash 3: Brother and Sister Recognize (10)

"I haven't." He stared at the meal on the counter indifferently.

"Xichen, things that don't go your way are very common, you've grown up, you should understand this truth."


Seeing that Nie Xichen didn't want to continue the conversation, Nie Zhenlong decided to change the subject: "Actually, you are already very happy...."

"I know." Compared with those out-of-school children, he is indeed very happy.

"Actually, you love him..." Nie Zhenlong thought for a while and didn't know what to say about his son, and then said after a while: "Although he is in the United States, he definitely spends more time with you than with her. .”

Nie Xichen was stunned, and soon realized that the grandpa was referring to Nie Xiwei.

"In your sweet heart, you are the most important. If you don't even understand this, I have nothing to say to you."

Grandpa left the dining table, leaving him alone in deep thought.

Then something happened that made Nie Xichen come to his senses.

After school that day, the gang of four practiced on the school's basketball court, and Zhuoying sat in the viewing platform and read a book.

The three big boys on the court ran over and over after the basketball.

They play in the specified time, whoever shoots the most wins.

"Your mother is a bitch, and you are also a bitch, why are you pretending to be innocent?" As soon as the words were finished, there was applause.

At that time, Nie Xichen happened to run outside the court, picked up the basketball outside the court, walked to the music room next to him, and heard these words and the applause clearly.

When he picked up the basketball on the ground, he heard a woman crying.

He lightly frowned his beautiful sword eyebrows, and then walked closer to have a look. From the glass window, he could see a man and a woman standing in the music room.

The woman was sobbing while touching her face, while the man, Sheng Shi, accused others: "Are you actually planning to marry me in delusion? Are you worthy?"

"Since you care so much about my background, why did you pursue me in the first place." The girl raised her face, and tears of grievance covered her cheeks.

is her! ?
Nie Xichen recognized this girl as the one who was molested by Young Master Jin last week.

It turned out that she was in the same school as him.

"A lowly illegitimate daughter like you is only worthy of being toyed with by this young master."

"You, you are not human."

The boy raised his hand and slapped the girl's face again: "Smelly Sanba, how dare you scold me? What qualifications do you have?"

(End of this chapter)

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