Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 200 Before Flash 3: Brother and Sister Recognize

Chapter 200 Before Flash 3: Brother and Sister Recognize (13)

After that day, Nie Xichen seemed relieved, and he privately sent people to the United States to investigate Ye Ziye's affairs.

On the other hand, he began to prepare lessons for the entrance examination of Harvard University, and everything returned to calm and stability.

Seeing this, Nie Zhenlong had a delighted smile on his face.

Nie Xichen is worthy of being the most outstanding descendant of the Nie family.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
In a small town next to Manhattan in the United States, Ye Ye squatted next to a dismantled heavy locomotive.

Next to her squatted a little fat man with blond hair, and the little fat man dismantled the parts of the motorcycle one by one.

"Jimmy, how's it going? Can you fix it?" She bumped the little fat man's body with her elbow.

"I'm afraid it won't work!" Jimmy threw down the tools in frustration, wiped the oil in his hands on his overalls, and then took out a pack of cigarettes.

He put a cigarette into his mouth, and handed another to Ye Ye who was squatting on the ground: "You drive too hard, don't you? The car will be scrapped in less than half a month."

"It's the poor performance of the car." She took the lighter, stood up and lit the cigarette.

"This car is already the best!"

"Hey, is there a way to get a better car?" She held a cigarette between her slender fingers, and brushed her long hair with her left hand.

The black and bright straight-haired shirt supported the youthful and frivolous face, which was beautiful, agile, lively and charming.

"Unless you're in a competition."

"I have participated."

"It's a children's game. I mean the adult kind. In addition to cash, you can also exchange for the loser's car."

Ye Ziye pondered for a while: "My car is not as good as others, how can I compete?"

"Hee hee, some people have money to buy a car, but their driving skills are average."

"Understood." She suddenly became excited.

Before the sunset, she changed out of the short dress and skirt, and replaced it with an expensive one-piece dress.

Although she didn't like this outfit, but Ye Guya liked it, so she just gave in.

No matter how much she hates it, she is always her mother, her only relative, and she can't make her too sad or worried.

After returning home, Yeguya looked at her: "Where did you go to play today?"

"Just wandering around the library."

"You came here today. He told me that your brother applied for Harvard University and passed the entrance examination. He will come here in mid-August."

(End of this chapter)

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