Chapter 208 A Time Bomb

"<"【Back to the present continuous tense】">".
Shangguan Chaoqun rescued him all night, and before the sky turned white, he was transferred to the intensive care unit.

He committed suicide by shooting himself. The bullet passed through the side of the heart, and the medicine stone was ineffective by a few centimeters.

Everyone learned that he passed the dangerous period, and when the sun was high, they left one after another in no particular order.

Only his daughter Shangguan Lu stayed in front of the hospital bed, with a pair of beautiful big eyes, red and swollen like two walnuts.

There were four men standing outside the ward, namely Zuo Zhe and Qin Jun, Shan Nantao and Zhang Biao.

Zhang Biao was always upright and serious like a guard, standing silently by the door of the ward.

Shan Nantao sat on the bench in the corridor, looking at the two bosses who were talking at the end of the corridor from a distance.

Zuo Zhe leaned against the wall with one hand in his trouser pocket, holding a cigarette with one hand and smoking.

Qin Jun lowered his head and thought about something, also biting the cigarette butt in his mouth.

This is the most thorny and most troublesome problem they have encountered since becoming the young hall master.

There was no harmless smile on Qin Jun's face, but a tense handsome face: "Do you mean to hide this matter temporarily?"

"Do you have a better way?"

"But Shangguan Lu, she..."

"I will let Zhang Biao keep an eye on her 24 hours a day."

"I don't understand." Qin Jun hesitated: "Why can't you report this to the chief hall master?"

"If this matter spreads, do you think the chief hall master will forgive their father and daughter? Do you think other brothers in the gang will stop here?"

"But putting Shangguan Lu by her side is like setting off a time bomb."

"Let's talk about it after Shangguan Chaoqun wakes up." Zuo Zhe dropped the pod to the ground and slammed it out with his left leg.

Qin Jun could only nod his head.

"And I want you to do something for me."

"what's up?"

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
Gangpei junior high school is already on vacation, but the senior high school still has a week of classes.

Everyone gathered in the gymnasium that day, and the scene was full of people, and there was unprecedented excitement.

Zuo Zhe and Qin Jun, the two young masters of Baihutang, fought for some reason, and after several rounds, both of them were covered with large and small wounds.

It really puzzles everyone.

No matter in school or in the gang, everyone knew that the two of them had been inseparable since they were young, not to mention fighting, they never even had a fight.

(End of this chapter)

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