Chapter 212
Her eyes suddenly shone brightly, she rushed forward in two or three steps, and inserted her finger into his wound: "Is this true or not?"

Zuo Zhe retracted his arms in pain, frowned and stopped her: "Are you crazy? Of course it's true."

"Oh, you really deserve it!" Ye Ziye sat down next to him tremblingly after verifying the real injury: "Xiao Qin played well, it was really good!"

Thinking of how she was bullied by him, at this moment she didn't know how cool and refreshing she felt.

Zuo Zhe, a master of martial arts, will finally have a day of dying.

Zuo Zhe looked at her smiling face, although he didn't look up and laugh wildly, and he didn't laugh out loud, but he knew that she must be smiling crookedly in her heart.

"Did you come here to see if I was injured?"

She said bluntly: "Yeah."

He was not polite: "then you can go back."

Not happy, not happy, super upset in my heart.

How could she see herself hurt, but cheer beside her?

Ye Ziye ignored his words, and directly asked Qin Yi who was standing in the middle of the hall: "That's right, I heard that Xiao Qin was seriously injured. Is there anything serious about him?"

"I can't find him. His mobile phone is turned off. He is not here, not in the villa, and not in our hometown." Qin Yi's eyes were red again: "I don't know if he is okay."

Zuo Zhe opened his mouth to say that he went to Aunt Xia's place, but later he felt that it was wrong, so he closed his mouth and did not speak.

"Don't worry, it should be fine." Ye Ziye said.

Anyway, she was not familiar with them, and it had nothing to do with her who was injured or not.

Hey, she's here to join in the fun.

Shan Nantao has never liked Ye Ziye very much. She is from outside the gang, but she knows too many secrets about them.

But Zuo Zhe indulged her existence very much, and it was inconvenient for him to say anything more.

Sitting next to Zuo Zhe, he continued to apply medicine to the wound on his body.

Ye Ziye turned around and asked Zuo Zhe: "Hey, is that Han Xiaohua very beautiful?"

"Anyway, she's more feminine than you." Shan Nantao seized the opportunity to tease her.

She immediately put away her joking smile, and glanced at Zuo Zhe across his body: "Did I ask your opinion?"

Shan Nantao gritted his teeth with anger: "You..."

Ye Ziye met his gaze fearlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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