Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 256 Oops, Startled Season

Chapter 256 Oops, Startled Season
Lucia glared at her angrily, took out her mobile phone and dialed: "Boss, Lan Xin was kidnapped... We are in the factory area in the north of the city, and I am with Ye Ziye now."

Ye Ziye saw that she hung up the line after only saying a few words, so she couldn't help asking curiously, "Who did you call?"

"Your brother, Nie Xichen!"


Oops, startled Season.

Season came soon, and after detailed inquiries about what happened, he pointed out that the matter should be related to the old building he bought before.

Deng Qiang has always been deeply resentful that he could not collect the protection fee, and later had a bloody incident with him, so he took this opportunity to seek revenge and make trouble.

Ye Ziye stated that he wanted to help him rescue Lan Xin, but Season objected, he didn't want her to have anything to do with Zuo Zhe.

In Season's eyes, she is always the daughter of the Nie family, and he strongly opposes her mixing with low-level people, and tries to help her clean up the bad past.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
After Zuo Zhe received Ye Ziye's call, he raced over quickly.

On the phone, she only said: "Zuo Zhe, if you still want me to be your girlfriend, come to the school gate within 5 minutes."

At that time, he just skipped class and went to Baihutang to deal with unexpected affairs.

He knew who Ye Ziye was.

She is definitely not one of those unreasonable girls.

There must be a reason for her urgency for speaking so heavily.

So he handed over the job to Qin Lang, the deputy hall master, and drove all the way here on fire.

Not one minute early, nor one minute late, he delivered it to her.

Without saying a word, Ye Ziye opened the car door and got in: "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" He looked sideways at her.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, your whole face instantly becomes dark.A pair of deep and cold brown eyes tightly tightened, becoming furious.

He reached out and clamped her sharp chin, and turned her face: "Who is it?"

Who hit her?
Red and swollen five finger marks appeared on the fair and delicate skin, and the right cheek was swollen, which showed that the perpetrator was serious.

"Your men." Ye Ziye pursed his lower lip tightly, his face was still hot, and he pulled the nerves in his face when he spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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