Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 265 Pre-Flash 4: A Catastrophe

Chapter 265 Pre-Flash 4: A Catastrophe (1)

Flash forward means: flash back to something that happened in the past.

"<"[America Two Years Ago]>>".
In the summer of this year, Nie Xichen started life at Harvard University in the United States.

At the same time, at the age of 19, he began to live independently.

He likes the learning environment at Harvard very much. There are many scholars and capable people, which arouses his competitive spirit.

The books here are ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, covering everything. For a while, squatting in the library and reading books almost became the theme of his life.

But he is not a nerd. Although the subject he is studying is finance, the books he reads are unpopular subjects such as anatomy and psychology.

Sometimes I even went to other people's laboratories to discuss research projects with researchers.

With yellow skin and black eyes, he often surprises others with his bold assumptions and careful proof-seeking thoughts.

Of course he is as handsome as him, and soon attracted the love and pursuit of female students of different nationalities.

Nie Xichen is a person who never rests, he likes being busy.

When not in class or studying books, I went to various departments of Nie's headquarters, looked here and there, touched, saw what others couldn't do, and asked the company to ask the staff to correct it.

Everyone knew that this tall and handsome boy was the future heir of the Nie family, and they all came here to curry favor.

At the beginning, the two brothers and sisters greet each other, and he will go to see her for a meal when he has nothing to do, which can be regarded as cultivating a relationship.

The young Ye Ziye resisted and repelled her brother who appeared at first.

After the third meal, she said bluntly, "What do you want to do?"

He smiled innocently: "Let's eat."

At this time, Nie Xichen was already 180 centimeters tall. For Ye Ziye, who was 160 centimeters tall, there was an invisible sense of oppression and fear.

The half-brother, who is always smiling, has a charming face, noble and decent manners, neat and clean clothes, and exudes a dizzying air.

She is very different from him, she has no noble temperament, and always looks impatient.

If you insist on saying that they are brothers and sisters, you can only say that occasionally some small actions are very similar, and occasionally some small thoughts are very similar.

That's all.

(End of this chapter)

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