Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 272 Pre-Flash 4: A Catastrophe

Chapter 272 Pre-Flash 4: A Catastrophe (8)

So a group of big men rolled and crawled to Ye Ziye's body: "We won't trouble you again, please let us go."

Ye Ziye and Jimmy looked at each other, and felt that the matter had been resolved perfectly, and Rex could not be cornered.

Rex is not scary, what is scary is the dark forces behind him.

"As long as you don't look for me, I, I can let you go." She was a little excited and excited, this was the first time she won a tough battle unscathed.

"No, no."

"You go."

The group of people who came to kill viciously were also the same group of people who fled with their tails between their legs.

"Thank you very much." Ye Ziye walked towards Nie Xichen. His skill opened her eyes, and she was so impressed that she fell to the ground.

"It's my duty to protect you." Nie Xichen smiled dotingly, and stroked her hair gently.

He knew that he owed her too much, so he could only try his best to make it up to her.

"..." At this moment, she looked at him with strange emotions.

Maybe Nie Xichen really really came to apologize to himself, really really just wanted to get her sister back.

The previous challenges and incompatibility were all caused by her inferiority complex.

In fact, it feels good to have a brother.

Jimmy brought three cans of beer, one for each person, and said to Nie Xichen, "Thank you just now."

Nie Xichen smiled without saying a word, raised his head and drank it.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
Since then, Ye Ziye has become more restrained. She no longer skips school and does not race cars. She goes to school when she is in school, and Nie Xichen helps her with her homework after school. Sometimes the two of them practice taekwondo.

Under Nie Xichen's forced training, Ye Ziye was quickly promoted from green belt to blue belt.

In half a year, her skills have become increasingly agile and superb.

On this day, Ye Ziye heard Nie Xichen talking on the phone, and her tone was very anxious: "How is the situation now? Has it improved?"

Then there was silence, and then Nie Xichen said, "I'll go back and have a look tomorrow."

After hanging up, she looked at him and asked, "Did something happen?"

He seemed terrified like never before: "Grandpa's tracheitis broke out."

This is an old problem, and every attack makes grandpa feel uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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