Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 277 Pre-Flash 4: A Catastrophe

Chapter 277 Pre-Flash 4: A Catastrophe (13)

This man is definitely a dangerous element, and the chill hidden under his smiling face makes people feel uneasy.

Carl didn't glance at Jimmy, but looked straight at Ye Ziye: "The first time I saw you, I knew what you wanted. You are not a law-abiding person, you need others to appreciate and promote you, and I am your destiny Destined Bole."

Ye Ziye didn't speak, she looked straight at him, trying to find any flaws to prove that he was just a lunatic.

Too bad she couldn't find it.

"Ordinary people's life is too boring and boring." His words seemed to hit the lake of her silent heart, causing ripples in the middle of the lake.

He seemed to see through her body and looked directly at her inner world: "The days before are beyond our control, but the days to come are worth fighting for."

Seeing Ye Ziye's twinkling eyes, Jimmy shouted in fear: "Okay, stop talking, please leave."

Carl continued on his own: "Your body is full of rebellious blood, they are struggling to find an outlet, are you really willing to live like this for the rest of your life?"

Ye Ziye's eyes suddenly widened, his pupils shrank and his gaze became sharp.

That's right, such a life has never been what she wanted.

She hated this kind of life, even hated Nie Fan and Ye Guya, hated the whole Nie family, they made her life bleak.

It was they who made her bear the reputation of being an illegitimate daughter since she was a child, and live in the ridicule of others.

She doesn't like everything here, Ye Guya's cowardice, Nie Fan's indecision, Nie Zhenlong's ruthlessness...

She really wanted to leave them, out of Nie's control, and really wanted to live the life she wanted.

In the boundless world, where is her place to live and work?

"Monica don't listen to him." Jimmy tugged at her arm hastily.

This kind of her made him very uneasy and scared, as if she would agree to the other party's request and disappear from his sight.

Ye Ziye woke up suddenly, as if she had been hypnotized just now, her body and heart became another self following his words.

Carl handed her a card: "If you can figure it out, you can come to me."

(End of this chapter)

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