Chapter 309

Then Season didn't say anything more.

In the past six months, he has experienced the tempering and baptism of love, from acquaintance and love with Lan Xin to a misunderstanding and breakup, to reconciliation and engagement in the whole city.

Along the way, he learned many things, some people have some things, we can't get them by force.

Sometimes a miss is a miss, and there is never going back.

Fortunately, he and Lan Xin didn't miss each other.

As for the relationship between Ye Ziye and Zuo Zhe, he took the attitude of observing and observing. If there is true love between the two, he can only bless them.

Otherwise, he would never let them mess around.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
On this day, Ye Ziye was walking home alone.

Suddenly she remembered many things from the past, and her mood became depressed and heavy for no reason.

The past rebellion and arrogance, self-willedness and arrogance;

It seems that a qualitative change took place when she returned to China. Although she still wanted to leave and live alone, she still lived without fear, and she still fought and made trouble, but she found that life seemed to become easier and more interesting.

Why is this?

The gray Lamborghini stopped beside her, and the handsome man in the car whistled at her: "Little girl, get in the car!"

She recovered from her daze and looked at Zuo Zhe in the car. His school uniform jacket was taken off, the white shirt inside was half buttoned, and a burning cigarette was dangling from his mouth.

She approached him, not intending to get in the car, and asked lightly, "Where are you going?"

Zuo Zhe is only three years older than her, look how promising he is, the young hall master of Baihutang, driving a dazzling sports car when he comes in and out, followed by seven or eight bodyguards.

What about her?walk to school.

"What's the matter? Are you uncomfortable?" He stretched out his hand and grabbed her hand, checking her temperature, it was normal.

It's just that such a quiet Ye Yeye is not normal.

"You've been quite free recently, don't you need to manage the affairs of the gang?"

"Why do you feel like you don't welcome me?"

She curled her lips: "You are not a heartthrob, why should I welcome you?"

(End of this chapter)

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