Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 325 I Suspect She Is My Bodyguard

Chapter 325 I Suspect She Is My Bodyguard

He looked for clothes and said, "Did he do anything to you?"

How dare his women peep?This guy is impatient, isn't he?

She finished the second half of the sentence calmly: "I suspect she is my bodyguard."

Zuo Zhe paused, frowned his thick eyebrows and thought deeply: "What do you mean?"

"Didn't you know her? Ask her." If it wasn't her bodyguard, it would be a dangerous enemy.

"Okay, wait for me." Zuo Zhe immediately called Yan Xiaozhu after closing the line.

Yan Xiaozhu answered quickly: "What's the matter?"

"Do you live across from Ziye's house?"

She was so shocked that she couldn't speak: "How did you know?"

She had been very careful, but she was still discovered.

"Ziye already knew that there was someone living across the street, and she suspected it was you." After speaking, he hung up.

Secretly in their hearts, their van masters are so vulnerable, their whereabouts are found by the protected object, is it their failure or Ziye's mastery?
Discouraged, he replied to Ye Ziye: "It's her."

"It's really her?" The hanging heart suddenly fell, Ye Ziye's face was full of joy: "Not bad, it took me so long to find out."

"What are you going to do?" Zuo Zhe sighed lightly, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

One side is his subordinate, the other side is his girlfriend.

Ye Ziye laughed twice: "I won't tell you."

Hang up without waiting for him to speak.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
To be on the safe side, Yan Xiaozhu didn't go back to the old house but went straight back to school for class, she wanted to make sure if Ye Ziye was in school.

I happened to see He Binxian and Ye Ziye talking outside the classroom door.

When she stepped forward, she found that He Binxian was looking at herself with ulterior motives, and then said to Ye Ziye: "You can't go back on what you promised me."

Ye Ziye gestured OK to him.

Yan Xiaozhu was stunned, when did Ziye forgive He Binxian?

She pointed to He Binxian's back, and then pointed to Ye Ziye, indicating why the two should reconcile?
"He did one thing for me, and I promised him not to be angry again."

(End of this chapter)

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